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No pins in battle ship

leeleerhedd1 Posts: 2 Newbie

I I've been playing and have passed several levels that are supposed to give me pens. I have not gotten one pen in order to finish off the battleship as I call it game that. I'm playing right now how can we fix best in gel


  • vonkizh
    vonkizh Posts: 102 Level 2

    I was just wondering that myself, it doesn't work me either

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,828 Soda Moderator

    Welcome to Soda Community @leeleerhedd1 @vonkizh

    By playing and winning levels, you will collect pirate hats forΒ another captain. The purpose of this feature is that you choose 4 other players who win levels for you and thus provide you with ammo πŸ€—Β 

    It is therefore important to choose your crew carefully πŸ˜‰

    Learn more about Shipmates πŸ‘‰Β here

    Hope this helps πŸ™‚

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