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Do I have to uninstall Soda and start over?

RCWeiss Posts: 7

Level 2

I've used CC Soda for about a week. Fun game but on Saturday teams said no Internet connection. Tried to login to my profile says no connection. And now everything is gone from the start screen (teams, wonderball, cake). My phone is up to date with Android 13 UI 5.1, game is 1.250.4. I have disconnected WiFi, no help. WiFi and phone network are operational. Deleted cache, nope. Candy Crush Saga works fine, as well as profile login. Any help would be great! Thanks.


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Welcome to Soda Community @RCWeiss

    Your game may need to reconnect to the servers. I often see this happen in my game when I have Soda app update.

    It is best to replay a number of levels, so the game will connect to the servers and the different icons will return to your screen.

    Hope this helps.

  • RCWeiss
    RCWeiss Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Tried to go about 5 levels back and went through all 5 but it didn't work. Started back at the beginning and ran through 15 levels but still nothing. Any other suggestions?

  • RCWeiss
    RCWeiss Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Ended up uninstalling and reinstalling and only lost about 8 levels and some items from quests but that's okay. I appreciate you taking your time to try and help me out.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    I am really sorry you had to uninstall the game @RCWeiss 😔

    If you lost any boosters that you have purchased please reach out to King Customer Care team using the 'Contact us' option directly from your device (this way support will have all the details needed to help). All you need to do is:

    - Open the game app

    - Tap on the? mark

    - Tap on Purchase and Gold Bars

    -  Choose and tap on a topic that is closest to your question/issue

    - Scroll down to the bottom and tap on "Contact Us"

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