Why have I not received ANY lives from friends in days??

Posts: 4
Level 1
in Support
I have sent requests out multiple times a day and my daughter has sent some back but still nothing. Can someone please help me??
If clicking on the Heart doesn't work, I would try the Help Desk.
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Hello @Cortlyn1974 and welcome to Soda community!
Previous lives system has been brought back (more infos here) so now we don't get help from Social Hub icon any more but from Lives icon/"get help". this also means we can't exchange boosters in Social Hub icon anymore.
How the system of lives works:
- We can ask for/send lives to our friends and teammates: tap on Lives (Red Heart) icon and visit "get help" section. Here we can ask for lives to many friends at once and also grant many lives requests at once
- We can ask for/send lives to teammates: tap on Teams icon and tap on "ask" button and grant your teammates' requests in chat
- We can also send lives to friends individually: visit friends list in Social Hub, tap on friend's avatar picture and tap on "send"
If your lives are not full you should see some of the lives your friends sent you in Lives/Get Help section.
If your lives are full you should see primarily friends asking you to send them lives