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1. game won't give me credit for completed 4-in-a-row. 2. I want my 10 bars back.

kafelsch Posts: 14

Level 2

  1. I completed 5 of the required 3. 2. I want the 10 bars back that I used while baking the cake layers and then it closed. did King get hacked ?


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Welcome to Soda Community @kafelsch

    Sorry you’re having these problems. Please contact King Player Support. If you happen to play on a mobile device or Windows app, you can contact directly from the device.  That way Player Support will automatically get your purchase history and transactions. All you need to do is:

    - Tap on the blue gear

    - Tap on the ? mark

    - Tap on “My Purchases“

    -  Choose and tap on a topic that is closest to your question/issue

    - Scroll down to the bottom and tap on "Contact Us"

    Select the correct game, topic “events or features issues” subtopic “I didn’t receive my reward”

    If you don’t play on mobile or Windows app, please contact Player Support Team 👉 here  Describe briefly your complaint, and don’t forget to mention your Game ID, 👉 here  is how to find 

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hello @kafelsch and welcome to Soda community!

    I'm afraid I don't understand your question about 4 in a row. 4 tiles need to be completed horizontally and vertically and not diagonally. They're not required 3 tiles

    If you see connection errors, please check troubleshooting steps to see if they help:

    • Do you read a red connection error message ("there was a connection error, try again in a bit") when you visit profile settings in soda app? Let me know if you do have it because you can't log out and log in to your account. You can't contact King Player Support from your app too.

    If you don't see this kind of error message, please go ahead and:

    • check for Soda and device updates
    • check that your device has at least 2 GB of free storage
    • provided you have a King account to save your progress try to log out- close game - clear cache* - restart device - open game - log in and pass any level to make sure you reconnected to the server
    • you might need to repeat the steps above 3-4 times

    *it depends on on the type of the device. Read all details here.

    If you own Android mobile, visit device Settings - Apps - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Storage - Clear Cache. Be careful not to click "clear data" which deletes your boosters

    If you own Apple mobile, visit Settings - Safari - Clear History and Website Data

    If you own a Kindle fire, check this out

    it's not possible to do in Microsoft app on computer


    As for bake a cake, the event has been intentionally paused by the Studio, not hacked. You may read more infos here

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience, if you wish to ask for compensation please contact Player Support directly from Soda app:

    How to contact King Player Support from Soda app in mobile devices and Windows 10, 11 computers: launch soda app - visit settings (gear icon)- click "?" Icon- select any topic and subtopic- scroll down the page and click "contact us". Select topic "events or features issues", select subtopic "I didn't receive my reward". Fill in the form and send.

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