[ENDED]💛 Win Gold in this Yellow Scavenger Hunt 🔍️

Hello Soda Players!
New Season, New contest!
Candy Town has never looked so yellow 💛
Let's celebrate Topsy Turvy Season with a bit of Scavenger Hunt 🔍️
💛How to play
- Open your Soda game
- Search for any item that is yellow/gold (yellow striped candy, yellow wrapped candy, stars…) in any part of your game (diorama, gameboard etc)
- Take a screenshot and name and/or graphically highlight what you found
- Submit at least 10 different items
- If the same item can be found on different places (ie. yellow striped candy on the map= yellow striped candy on the gameboard), it's counted once
- You may capture multiple items in one screenshot
- Do not borrow other players' screenshots
- Add your name or initials to your screenshot to personalize it
- Use the paperclip icon to upload your screenshot
- Use spoiler feature to hide your text
- 5 players who submit at least 10 items will be randomly selected and win 30 gold bars each
- Contest ends on April 12, 6 pm CEST
Happy Scavenger Hunt!
Terms and Conditions here
Want to participate but have no account yet? Then sign up HERE
New Contest is open!
@_Elsa_@_Elsa@200mimis@200mimis@actipton80@Adav@Adav@Aidenliam02@ALIXKATERINE@ALIXKATERINE@amingy@amingy@Amoonmoon@Anahita_2005@Anahita_2005@Andres-2@Andres-2@bearwithme@bearwithme@Beth_Mc_Hugh@BlueberryCupcake@Boybinary@Boybinary@BQN537@BQN537@Brett_Hancock@Cagnes@Candycrush26@candycrushinit@CassD@CassD@Cathiecc2111@Chakra@chris2125@cmwithdar1@Courtney1990@Courtney1990@dabobster@Dama_Baker@Debbie32@deblg@deblg@DeepshikhaSharan@DieOmimi@DieOmimi@EnergizerBunny@EnergizerBunny@EOTheGr8@EOTheGr8@ericamitchell@EweNaNa@EweNaNa@Fonda_Smith@GeileTortenBerlin@Glenn1972@Goldenswordz@gordan10@gordan10@GrammaGaming@GrammaGaming@greddycandy@greddycandy@Gumyupawpaw@Gumyupawpaw@Hell66@huynhduc@huynhduc@Ibnana@Iffu2@Iffu2@irene46@istuff@istuff@jayteedy@Jelly_bean_hearts@jimijimcat@jk14@johamilton@johamilton@Johan_DelaCena@JONH10@JoyAquino@juan0420@KCullen127@KCullen127@Kerrie@Kerrie@keshavrf@kiara_wael@kiara_wael@Kiki_g@Kiki_g@KingsDaughter14@KingsDaughter14@KingShuvo@LadyGaivman@LadyGaivman@Lady_Sarina@La Ley@LeFlarcane@LeFlarcane@Lemurtek@LuciLu8@maf34100@maf34100@Magnolia4@MaineMom218@marebear1264@McKell425@me6@me6412@maf34100@MiladyR@MiladyR@moe75@moe75@Moh1977@Moh1977@MollyS@MollyS@Mommabear1269@Mommabear1269@MountainMom@MountainMom@msg4869@msgraca@Mxmx@Nadia1770@namal_butt_01@NatalieG@ndd_2023@ndd_2023@nekocat@nguyenanhduy1591999@Nikolaos_Prodromidis@Orangemoon@Palash_Sarma@Palash_Sarma@PattyMan@PaulaB1@PaulaB1@paul5473@penken@penken@Pitty_Kitty@Poutsy@praiselove@Precious0914@Princess_Jessica@Princess_Jessica@princesstina723@PummyRaj@Purplelife_50@Racoon7@Racoon7@rebelchild@rebelchild@RNKmac@Roary2020@rodkaspar@Sabrina_Spellman@Sabrina_Spellman@SabrinaM@SabrinaM@SApple2@shafer223@shafer223@Shagunpro@Sheila_Rising@Shina04@Shina04@showyou@simplyP@simplyP@siti_payung@Spinnifix@Spinnifix@stacey0909@SteelWolf@steventseng@steventseng@Sukanta_Biswas@susieq1166@suzekit@swabby@Tamara73@Tanu_chauhan_1001@Tasty_Cake@teasir@teeweiping@teeweiping@Terri_1@Terri_1@Tessie1986@ThiagoOfficial@Thmo@Thmo@tininha1975@tininha1975@tokasa13@Toussaint73@Tracy_Lane@Trishy68@Tzvi_Marcu@Tzvi_Marcu@upperlevel@vanesitamona77@VickMtz@VickMtz@viviana1@vonkizh@Werner_Cichy@Werner_Cichy@@Xxander@Yorben_Goeree@Yorben_Goeree@Yosca@Yosca
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3 items: yellow candy, striped yellow candy, and yellow coloring candy
Just for fun
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2 yellow items: yellow wrapped candy and yellow fish
Just for fun
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4 yellow items: yellow "Egg Hunt" banner, yellow platform (with "1" on it), yellow centers of pink squares on lawn, and yellow 1st place ribbon
Just for fun
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3 yellow items: gold bar, golden ticket, and yellow level marker (for winning on 1st attempt)
Just for fun and to support the contest Moderators
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@pitty_kitty I love this!
Heres what I found
1 stars
2 firey explosion
3 gold bars
4 level number
5 golden egg
6 bear coin
7 arrows
8 stripped candy
9 fish
10 wrapped candy
11 buttons on controller
12 ticket
13 fountain
14 wonderball timer
15 dress
16 arcade screen
17 arcade pop up tabs
18 yellow circle things
And I forgot to number that #5 bottle in first screen shot
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1 golden timer/clock
2 golden ribbon
3 golden bow on present
4 golden banner
5 golden podium
6 yellow candies in basket
7 golden egg
8 yellow first place background
9 golden bear coin
10 yellow bear head
11 golden ticket
12 yellow wonderball
13 gold bars 😁
14 yellow “P” 🤪
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Hi @Pitty_Kitty my entry
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Thanks for the competition
I find that all soda is yellow and choosing or identifying an ingredient is difficult But it's fun 💛
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Well done @MountainMom thank you for taking part! 😊