Where is my Shipmates game?

Today my Shipmates game ran out much faster than normal, whilst I was offline, which is second time it's done that in a week, but opposite normal I have no new Shipmates game to start. It's not in my Activities list.
A couple days ago, it was like my Shipmates game reset, but it still worked. Now, two games later, after the reset, it's gone. I want it back, and in the version where I play with friends (despite me probably being able to do it quicker on my own). I've had this game since the earliest test days.
I’m sorry you don’t have Shipmates anymore @DanishWolf
I haven’t heard that the feature is temporarily unavailable 🤔 Did you check, you have the latest version? Current version is 1.267.5
You could also try to force close your apps, turn off your device for at least 10 seconds, restart your device and ensure you have at least 2GB free memory storage.
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I just saw a comment in community ask if others are experiencing this too, as their Shipmates game is gone too, disappeared at same time as mine.
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I have version 1.267.4, updated May 2nd, but there's no update option in Google Play with a 1.267.5 version.
I have tried restarting my device, and nothing changed. No new update, and Shipmates are still gone.
As I said in previous reply, I am not alone by that other comment also missing their game, but I don't know how many are experiencing this.
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Yes, I saw that comment too and already noted it. However, as it is the weekend, my report will not be seen by the CM until Monday and I will not have any information about it until then 😕
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Thank you for passing it to MC.
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I was just playing shipmates yesterday. Today it is gone. Was this due to the current update to Candy Crush Soda