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Giorno saltato

nicla2058 Posts: 4

Level 1

Salve, non è la prima volta che mi capita che quando entro mi dice che ho saltato un giorno (cosa non vera) e quindi devo usare i lingotti. Il fatto è che io gioco su 3 dispositivi diversi, e tutti i giorni accedo con tutti e 3 per non perdere i progressi. Finora mi ha sempre detto che avevo saltato un giorno su tutti e 3 i dispositivi oggi solo su 1 mi spiegate il motivo? Poi ho riscontrato altre situazioni tipo:

Aiuta un'amico non mi da le stelle conquistate con i livelli.

Non mi fa più vedere la pubblicità per avere mosse extra



  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Welcome to Soda Community @nicla2058

    I am sorry about your Daily Bonus 😕 There are a number of reasons this reset might happen: device updates, the time you logged in, and one-time glitches may cause this. Another reason could be that if you play on multiple devices the game could be disrupted (I had the same experience).

    You can find info in Help Center: My Daily Bonus restarted

    Regarding your other questions:

    “Help a friend doesn't give me the stars earned with the levels.” Do you mean Rescue Buddies?

    If you are not receiving any stars for playing new levels, please try the following: provided you saved your progress with a King account, log out of the game - clear the cache -> not data  that will delete your boosters - power off your device for at least 10 seconds - restart your device - check for game and device updates - log back into the game - (re)play some levels. Also make sure you have at least 2GB free memory storage to run the game smoothly and try to connect to a WiFi connection instead of using cellular data.

    *Clear cache in Android: go to settings - tap on apps - tap on candy crush soda - tap on storage - tap on clear cache (not data❗️)

    *Clear cache in iOS: go to settings - tap on Safari - tap on Clear history and website data

    Your other question:

    “It no longer shows me the advert for extra moves”

    The video ad feature as all ads and promotional features is still a test feature in the game. Therefore video ads will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices. All the features that are in testing are moved around to be tested by as many players as possible. In that process, some players will have those special features for weeks, some have it for months some players have it for years, and some have never seen any ads (like me - and no I’ve never made a purchase). Therefore, advertising is still not a permanent feature.

    You have probably been moved to another group, which (temporarily) has no ads. They might return in your game; all you can do is make sure your game and device has the latest updates.

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