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Uninstalled game level 935, reinstalled and connected now level 935 but all powers reset to zero. 😕

Kinggg125 Posts: 1

Level 1

Uninstalled game level 935, reinstalled and connected now level 935 but all powers reset to zero. 😕


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Welcome to Soda Community @Kinggg125

    I am sorry to hear that you reinstalled your game 😕

    Although your game progress and gold bars are recorded on King's servers, boosters are items saved directly onto your device's memory, so that you can use them offline, and reinstalling the game will unfortunately delete all of these items. If you lose any boosters that you have purchased please reach out to King Customer Care team using the 'Contact us' option directly from your device (this way support will have all the details needed to help). All you need to do is:

    - Tap the blue gear

    - Tap on the? mark

    - Tap on Purchase and Gold Bars

    -  Choose and tap on a topic that is closest to your question/issue

    - Scroll down to the bottom and tap on "Contact Us"

    If you don’t play on mobile or Windows app, please contact Player Support Team 👉 here  Describe briefly your complaint, and don’t forget to mention your Game ID, Check 👉 here how to find your Player ID

    Note: You might receive an automated response so please reply back to this email, and an agent will be in touch. It can take up to 72 hours before you receive an answer. (If you have not heard from them within 3 days, send a reply to the same email you have received)

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