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Demande d'aide pour ouverture de pâtisserie bloquée

donven Posts: 1

Level 1

Merci d'intervenir afin que l'accès à la pâtisserie soit possible, depuis au moins 1 mois rien ne s'ouvre


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @donven welcome to Soda Community

    Have you checked if you have the latest game version? Current version is 1.282.

    Bake a Cake is a feature in Soda that's not available for all players at all times. Sometimes the bakery will be closed to make room for other features. 
    When "Coming soon" is shown in the event, it means the feature is not currently available, this can be either due to it taking a break in your game or that your team has already finished baking the cake.

    You can find more info here. Make sure you have the latest game version!

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