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πŸŽ‚ Bake a cake with us to celebrate our 6th Anniversary!



  • BubbleGumSoda
    BubbleGumSoda Posts: 4,901
    edited November 2020

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

    Happy 6 anniversary Candy crush soda πŸ’–

    And the event is awesome lm almost finishing the cake to celebrate 🎊

  • misskarla83
    misskarla83 Posts: 31

    Level 3

    OK so I lost my hat and have the option to purchase it for 5 gold bars. My squad isn't active in the chat so I ask you guys here: Does it cost anything for a team member to send me a hat or do they have to spend gold bars of their own to send me a hat?

  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454

    This event is frustrating if your team isn't doing much ... The levels are entertaining though, the complexity is slowly rising, not too excited about the rewards though.

  • ladytaz77
    ladytaz77 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I was in the middle of the game and it just stopped working and going up. Then took all my moves and Chef hat....😣

    That’s not right.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I got my teams back today with the "Bake a Cake" challenge. There are some things i liked about it and some things i don't so here goes:

    β–ͺI like where each level gives a hint as to what to expect ( honey bears, bubblegum, bubble bears etc) so we can atleast choose what we want to play. πŸ‘

    β–ͺBeing a team task when the team is least interested in the event and not playing a single level why reward them? I feel the players who play for a certain level should only be rewarded; since we sometimes tend to use our boosters and not the ones who are inactive in the team.

    β–ͺ1 booster for completing 5 levels?? Realllyyyy????? How fair is that with inactive team members?? Rewards should atleast match upto the cost of the chef's hat incase one loses them! πŸ˜‚

    β–ͺI read what u wrote @LadyRaffie "Every layer has got a specific Booster reward for all team members-Β the higher you bake, the more Boosters you take" - But i don't see the boosters increasing. We get just 1 booster for each layer! Be generous - its a birthday cake - reward the chef's well. 😁

    Thanks for getting me teams temporarily in my game so i could give u a feedback about the event πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    It's hard for me to call "Bake a cake" a team game.

    I found out that our team was baking this cake after the task was completed.

    If not all players from the team can participate in the task, then this is not a team game. Another name for this.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Didn't u get a pop up for the event @ElenaVorona?? Didn't you receive the rewards when your team completed each layer??

    I'm not sure if that is the reason from my team only 2 of us were working on this event πŸ€”

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @misskarla83 If you have lost your hat, you can buy out yourself or your team members can do. So that means a team member have to spend their gold bars to buy you out.

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Thanks @Origins7_Dale , I was able to claim the last two rewards! ☺️

  • imani08
    imani08 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    If I lose the chefs hat while doing this cake baking challenge - am I correct in understanding that the only way to get it back is to PAY?? If so, no thank you.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?