⛄️ Welcome to our Winter Soda Games! 🏂
Hi @LadyRaffie 😊👋
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Hi @LadyRaffie,
Sure. Be happy too. Remember group, in 2 days we start.
So be sure to give us:
- Team Name
- Team Members Name
- SpokesPerson For Team - Scoring 1x Weekly
Have a few updates to do on my PC. But should have this Team List for you soon.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
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Hi @plushytoysfan I can't. I'm already in a team. Sorry 🙂
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Hi @LadyRaffie
Could you please add me to a team. I play daily (sometimes for WAAAAaaayyyy too many hours) 🙄😋
Level 3464
ID: 10153143029902184
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Hi @GTBrg,
Funny, you just posted at "Soda Squad Teams / Find A Team", now you are doing the same post here.
So, to be clear:
- For the "Newbies" you should read *Page 1 First, on every forum, thread, discussion, contest, etc... It is the key to posting. Tells you what it is about, along with what to do.
We do not add players to teams.
You "Tag" or ask to join, or "Form" your own team. Once you have your "Team Name / Team Members / SpokesPerson For Team", you then "Confirm" this info with CM @LadyRaffie. Just like it says on *Page 1 / Rules.
Very close to how we do it at the, "Soda Squad Team / Find A Team" link you were at.
- How To Tag A Player
For the "Newbies", to "Tag" a player use:
@ then start typing "Name of Player" you want.
Once the full name appears on the drop down list, "Click" on it.
It will "Highlight" the name in "Bold Black Ink", like mine @Origins7_Dale means you did it right.
Player has been "Tagged" now.
"Tagging" sends an email to the player, to notify them, you want to discuss or call attention to something.
If you do not use "Tagging", your "Post" just sits there, or never gets answered, until someone "Tags" you on it. Best to "Tag" on "ALL" your posts, much faster responses to your questions or posts, since this is a very large Community of posters. 😄
*See also:
- ✍️ Subscribe here to the King Tagging List! — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/blog/discussion/320407/%EF%B8%8F-subscribe-here-to-the-king-tagging-list/p1
Trust this helps you out.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
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@Origins7_Dale Thank you for the detailed answer.
Really I am just trying to get some of the extras for my game. All the extras have disappeared for me. I have no Soda Team. I have no Rainbow Road. And as of today, the tivoli (Carnival) is also gone. The game is useless without being able to get ANY rewards.
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Hi @GTBrg,
A number of things you can do.
- Every game we have here, has a "Win Prizes", for "Soda" it is at the top. Might win "Gold Bars" or "Boosters", or even both, depending on the Host of the contest. Pick your game, read Page 1 of contest, enter those you like.
- Switch up. Meaning, if on Wifi, go to PC, if on PC, go to Wifi. The more "Devices" you use to play King Games on, the better your chances on getting a Feature added to your game. No guarantee on this, but, your percentages go up. Devices have to be tested first, so the game or feature works on them. The other tests come later.
- Be sure to "Sync" up "All" Devices, along with "King Account & Facebook Account" if you have or use it.
Of course here, get a 2-3 Player Team together, forming teams ends on the 15th, contest starts on the 16th.
Do what you can do, the rest will fall into place.
Trust this helps you out.
Now need to get this Winter Soda Games - Team List together for our CM.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
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@crabapple , please stay with my team.
I will group three but not @crabapple cause he is in my team.
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Hi and thanks for the invitation.
Unfortunately I don't play the games anymore so I will be inactive in the team.