🥳 Soda 10th Anniversary Season is here!
🏆 Soda Cup is back, with the biggest prize yet!
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🏂 ⛄️ Winter Games Win Gold Bars with the 1st Competition! (ENDED)
Summary of the first day for
@hechicerilla 261820 pt. Pág 6
@Pitty_Kitty 496920 pt. Pág 6
@Spinnifix ____________________
Total points 758740
Hello everyone !
I see you guys have been wondering about what we consider Days, etc. From what I see, everyone was right in their own way.
But let's establish it like this so to make it clear and avoid confusions:
Day 1 started Yesterday Wednesday at 1pm CET and will finish today at 1pm CET and so on with the rest of the days.
Thank you every one for such engagement and excitement about the Games 🤗
#Lol you guys, let's all cheer up, put our masks on and play on!
As my dear @KingChewy said, the Winter Games should be about having fun (and the occasional healthy competition). 🍩 Silver lining: we were all right and wrong, @LadyRaffie called it ⬇️
So let's get that chip on our shoulders and off we all go!
ℹ️ DAY 1 - Ends 1pm CET today (one hour from now)
- DAY 2 - Starts 1pm CET today (one hour from now) ℹ️
(@LadyRaffie, some Players have already posted their Day 2 screenshot. Do they have to resubmit?)
Now that it is clear what counts as a player day, I summarize the points for Competition Day 1 of our team:
@Greymane 443.420 Points, Page 3
@DieOmimi 478.640 Points, Page 5
@Deobella 225.920 Points, Page 8
Total Team Juicy Cola Day 1: 1.147.980 Points
Our next screens will be released in one hour at the earliest for the 2nd day of games.