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Update on the Bubblegum Hill



  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464

    Sadly no. Just MTF with 2 blockers making it take me 3 days to complete a row😒.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Nope, I don’t have BGH this weekend. So SAD ☹️

    @Ditte 2 blockers! 😳 I feel sorry for you.

  • Andrea-9
    Andrea-9 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I too was looking forward to a weekend of Bubble Gum Hill 😖.

    I do wish, however, that the 5 levels would be varied more often. Trying (and failing) to play and replay the same levels for 3 days gets a bit tedious......

  • suzekit
    suzekit Posts: 281

    i wish they would be consistent with the days it is available - I had bubble gum hill Monday Tuesday Wednesday of this last weeks, I wish it was Friday Saturday and Sunday’s

  • Brooke78
    Brooke78 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    When is bubblegum hill avail

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Hello everyone and welcome all newbies to the sweet King Community.

    It has already been explained in various threads about BGH. Please understand that it is not something that should be in your game. King games' temporary events and functions are test features that the Studio randomly releases to groups of players. There are no standard days or fixed hours. Sometimes you can be in the test group and then you will see BGH or other events, other times it will be up to others to be in that group. They cannot always be the same.

    I hope you now understand everything.

    I will be here for anything you need.

    Thanks and keep enjoying

  • suzekit
    suzekit Posts: 281

    Thanks for your message however, historically Bubble Gum Hill was ALWAYS Friday, Saturday and Sunday and this was a weekly event, then they changed it to Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and some times Friday Saturday and Sunday’s too - you have to appreciate that players enjoy this event and when it has appeared week in and week out to then suddenly it is not available to play it is very frustrating.

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Hello and welcome to the sweet King Community.

    There are no stipulated days for the appearance of BGH. The King games' temporary functions and events are test features that the Studio randomly releases to groups of players. Sometimes it is available to some and sometimes to others. That is, a player may be enjoying BGH on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, while others will not see BGH and others may see it on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, or any other day of the week, it is just an example, so that they understand me.

    I will be here for anything you need.

    Thanks and keep enjoying

  • koolmafer08
    koolmafer08 Posts: 92

    Level 3

    Its been weeks since i dont have BGH 😭 does anyone have it?

  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    No BGH☹

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