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Update on the Bubblegum Hill



  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    Yes my game is hanging after I have installed the new game update. Logged out- in several times...rebooted but in vain.. Now it's 1.191.5 version..BGH completed but it was dimmed and didn't get any gold bars. Device is android..Samsung 6gb/128 gb

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hi again @Chakra I need the Samsung model number —> for example Model number SM-695F —> go to Android settings - about phone - model number

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    I’ll ask if there is a problem @Chakra Must say, I have an Android device too, and have the same Soda version, updated April 14th but have no problems with it. Did you clear the cache in the app?

  • 2easy
    2easy Posts: 282

    Who go to hill and drop me down now?

    You are there only few minutes and i drop you down 😁😁😁

    Stubid new hill, with stubid energy, with s.. d rewards, with...

    This new hill is biggest mistake on the game. Sad but true.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited June 2021

    Hi @Gumyupawpaw, @BlueberryCupcake @ipete @Yosca @Nix66 @LadyRaffie,

    Hi *Soda Squad Team - LOL Lollipops "Admin" @candycrushinit "Players are" @Sofia1992 @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @earmanja794 & Now "The Crushing Legend" @Werner_Cichy & @Sharon_Loose, @giotaki, @Glenn1972, @Gumyupawpaw / Tang & myself,

    I was off a bit on the *Star Count for *The Noble & Royal Path, because didn't know till I played, the *King Studio changed it. So here it is corrected, with a brief game plan for you.

    • This 3 Level Release of *BGH does require 100 Energy to play. You do start with 50 Energy, & again correct you need 100 Energy to play this 3 Level release of *BGH.

    • *3 ways to get Energy!

    • Buy *It / Energy for *25 Gold Bars For 100 Energy! Or *50 Gold Bars For 200 Energy!
    • Win *It / Energy from playing, *The Noble & Royal Path! *Has *Energy Rewards Available in both *Paths!
    • Or wait for it. Might be waiting awhile.

    You do not need *New Levels to play *The Noble & Royal Path. It is easier to play it, if you have *New Levels, because replaying old levels, can only get you 1 or 2 *Stars.

    • *Back on 4/12/2021, "The Noble and Royal Path!" *6d 22h!
    • 1st Tier is Free! *10 Tiers - 3 Tiers have *12 Stars per Tier! *6 Tiers have *3 Stars per Tier! Last Tier 6 Stars!
    • *The Royal Path - To unlock "Premium" cost $3.99 + tax, USA Currency. 

    Not a bad deal, for all the *Boosters you get. Suggest you use the *Timed Boosters, on the *New Levels release day, which is on *Fri. for *Soda, if you are at, the end of the *Soda Map!

    Suggest you do *Free Side 1st, then unlock *Premium / The Royal Path, then *Claim / Collect it all. Just be sure to get it all, before *Timer Expires. In my case *The Noble & Royal Path ends in 6d 22h!

    As far as *BGH / *3 Level Release goes. This is harder to assess. Because it depends on how much *Gold you spent if any, & how much *Gold you got back. Clearly if you bought *Energy for *25 Gold Bars, but got only *1 Gold Bar back, then it is a losing position. But if you didn't buy any *Energy, & got *12 / 20 Gold Bars, then you are ahead.

    So it is about procedure & when you play it.

    • Do *All your Mini / Side Games 1st. Daily Bonus, (MTF) is also now called, *4 In A Row! Same game. Advise you do these, around 11:30 pm or so. At Midnight Game Clock Resets, you now get 2 more quests, do them, board resets on every 4 Tiles you do, then get 2 more quests. By playing late, you reduce the chances of players sitting on tiles, along with, other players who understand the game, play then. So can get a good run going on *Boosters. You went from 2 quests, to 6 quests, just by changing the time you play.
    • Along with the fact, when clock hits *Midnight, you get your *Daily Bonus again. So a *Double Dip, in 30 mins, instead of 24 hours.
    • Use *Sprinkleshell on everything in the game. Knocks them out faster. Only need to leave him for any specific item on a quest, he might not have in the level.
    • Be sure you are on a *Soda Squad Team. 3 Chests, that can be won, over & over again. Now *Bake A Cake has *Supersonic Lolly Pieces as *Rewards!

    Once you do those things, you have *Boosters. Use them on doing:

    • Do *The Noble & Royal Path *Free Side 1st. Best is on *New Levels, so you get the *Full 3 Star Count!
    • Once that is done. Get the *Premium, which will get you more *Energy for BGH!
    • Knock out 3 Level BGH. then return to levels. Again, best to do this late at night. Why? Because people sleep then, leaving you with longer times on the Throne, resulting in *Better Payoffs on Gold Bars!

    By using these *Mini / Side Games, using the Clock, you are getting it all to work for you, thereby increasing your *Booster / Gold Count for any problems you might have on the higher harder levels.

    • Sprinkleshell - The Most Powerful Ally In Soda - Candy Crush Soda Saga

    • *The Sprinkleshell Advantage! 
    • *The Sprinkleshell Levels!

    *My *Updated Post on *Page 2 above!

    Trust this brief game outline helps.

    Take Care Group - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • 2easy
    2easy Posts: 282


    Lots of text up here 😊

    Good tips to rookies.

    When is right time to play? You forgot timezones?!

    Here time is 5.32pm. At USA about 4-10 am, Vanuate is In my tomorrow 1.32am..

    We need list where is players and they timezones and/or they play at night or morning..

    Read it this with smile..

    Bad joke 😁

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @2easy,

    • Do *All your Mini / Side Games 1st. Daily Bonus, (MTF) is also now called, *4 In A Row! Same game. Advise you do these, around 11:30 pm or so. At Midnight Game Clock Resets, you now get 2 more quests, do them, board resets on every 4 Tiles you do, then get 2 more quests. By playing late, you reduce the chances of players sitting on tiles, along with, other players who understand the game, play then. So can get a good run going on *Boosters. You went from 2 quests, to 6 quests, just by changing the time you play.

    Can *Google any time in the world you want.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Hello @Crazyforfun Congrats on getting so much GOLD 😁😍 Remember you are only able to collect 50 gold bars max from now until May 3rd.

  • Yorben_Goeree
    Yorben_Goeree Posts: 3,880

    Hi, @Lola_Pop

    I’m sorry, but I don’t like the new version of Bubblegum Hill.

    Because for the new of version is unfortunately not free to play. I have only 50 energy and the opening of the level cost 100 energy! Absolutely impossible for without the purchase 25 gold bars for add 100 energy. I don't accept it!

    This is a worst version of Bubblegum Hill. Please go back to old version, and thanks for the understanding. 😊

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