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Can’t send a message thru chat…

starry_sky Posts: 37

Level 3

So this is weird….I was just sending a message to say thank you and it won’t let me, it says it has bad language! I sent a message yesterday and it was fine! Please help, thanks!



  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @starry_sky Yeah I recognize this. Sometimes the chat reads words as bad language 🤷‍♀️. Did you check the chat function is still on? Open Teams, click on the “ i “ and settings open.

  • starry_sky
    starry_sky Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Hi @Yosca, yes it’s still enabled and I logged out and restarted my game too…still doesn’t work! Any other ideas? Thanks!

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Weird. Let’s try this: provided you saved your progress with a King account, log out of the game - clear the cache -> not data  that will delete your boosters - power off your device for at least 1 minute - restart your device - check for game and device updates- log back into the game.

    Clear cache in Android: go to settings - tap on apps - tap on candy crush soda - tap on storage - tap on clear cache (not data❗️)

    Clear cache in iOS: go to settings - tap on Safari - tap on Clear history and website data

    Did you check the chat function is on?

  • starry_sky
    starry_sky Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Yes, the chat function is still on…I’ll try this and let you know, thank you!

  • starry_sky
    starry_sky Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Oh darn… didn’t work! I guess I’ll just wait, maybe it will randomly start working again,,,thanks so much for your help though! @Yosca

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    I still think it’s weird @starry_sky I will ask the CM about it, but it’s weekend now, so I won’t get an answer before Monday, sorry 😕

    Please let me know if you’re able to chat again 🤗 (I hope it will “unlock” after 24 hours)

  • starry_sky
    starry_sky Posts: 37

    Level 3

    thats ok, I understand….I’ll let you know if it changes….thanks again and have a great weekend!

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello again @starry_sky Has it changed? Can you chat again?

  • starry_sky
    starry_sky Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Hello @Yosca …thanks for checking on me, nope still doesn’t work. I’m kinda sad, but I’m thinking of taking a break from the game….I’m at level 9033 and I get to the end of the levels pretty fast and then I have to wait until Friday to get more levels. Maybe I should just start over haha!

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited April 2022

    Yeah I get that @starry_sky I’m at the end of the levels too and waiting is so … 😅

    Anyway, I’ll ask the CM about the chat malfunction and get back to you!

    what is your Game ID? To find your game id:

    Open the game app and select Profile.

    Double-tap on the King logo and voilà, the logo should disappear to reveal your Game ID.

    Thanks 🤗

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