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Hello @Terri_1 and @raudow0410
Can you be more specific? This is what we want to know ๐ค:
๐ Do you like this feature or not, why is that?
๐ Do you enjoy cooperating with your teammates?
๐ Is it fun and enjoyable to see your team become better?
๐ Does this feature make you feel more connected to your teammates?
๐ Tell us something you enjoy and do not like about Team Rankings!
๐ What do you think of the rewards?
Yes because it makes me feel like I have accomplished something getting one step closer yes teamwork is what it's all about yes I do enjoy seeing my team do better yes it does make me feel more connected I don't quite understand that question I like the reward's but I think we have to wait to long in between
@Pitty_Kitty I find this feature very useful. It lets me know I am contributing and how much. It also lets me know my team mates are active. I love being able to connect to my team mates. Please keep this feature!
Hi @Pitty_Kitty. I belong to a very active team where everyone contributes. I love the rankings, but I'm not sure how long we've been at the highest level - it seems a long time. The rewards are good, but I don't like the short time-limited boosters. If you have other pop-ups when you've collected the rewards, the boosters are almost gone by the time you get to your game.
Thanks for the tag @Pitty_Kitty
I love the team feature, we are at the highest rank.
I would only exchange the striped candies for a Hammer striped lollipop or Free Switch
It's last chance to tag!
Tagging active Candy Crush Soda Players into spoiler :
@040890 @1235Hardy @1509hk1547 @1Aj @274T3E @2easy @42320 @aalitay @AaronH @AaronMedina @abcdefg123456 @actipton80 @Adav @aguslicka @aijaziqbal @Aitch @AlainaHS @albski @ale_f @Alexandra_Tang @ALIXKATERINE @AllisonTravis @amber_dawn @Anahita_2005 @Andres-2 @Anniemcmanus @AnnoyanceDeZtruction @Annwat @Anny23 @Applejacs @arjankrijger2005 @ashleyr195 @Athalie @aurther @Autofire @Bantino @Barry_Dean_Clark @batman27 @BaxiB @Beachgirl63 @beanrags @bearwithme @bekicrusher @bernie9090 @bernirc77 @berriers @betchiegrl29 @Beth_Mc_Hugh @bex12 @bflyrose1107 @biekeella @billjerry @bkychau @Bling182 @BlueberryCupcake @BooDTX @Bookster @BossQueenLiss80 @Boybinary @BQN537 @Bricorn @brownsugar2115 @bsabrina69 @BubbleGumSoda @Bucinka @bugs_burny @BulldogBob @buttbaby920 @c_j_w68 @caambuj @candycrushinit @carmen59 @Carol_Kero @Casey965 @CassD @Cats4Caz @Cece322 @CerbeRus777 @Chakra @Channi34 @CharmedCat @charlottelovegood @chillerben @chirag0406 @ChrisMiller @Chrismp @christina48198 @Claire_Colibri @clarey @Courtney1990 @crabapple @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @Crazyforfun @crisaniya @crushingsweets @cstapleton1230 @cwsherwood @daniella82 @DaniTheOG @dannyalvaro @davidm61 @Dawnvanblommestein @daysgoby @ddow @deb0407 @deedles916 @deepakstha @DeepshikhaSharan @Deobella @DGenevieve @Di65 @DieOmimi @Ditte @dmorrison112 @DocCha @DoggieMason @DomJuam @Doppo @DoYourLaundry @dugglebb @DukeSR8 @dwiananda @dxxchocolate @dylan19 @Ecam @Eckmonmor @ejhawke @ejurjane @Elaine67 @eldutton @ElenaVorona @ElisedeJong @Elleni39 @Elsa @ElsaSuubi23541678910 @EnergizerBunny @enochlarry123 @EOTheGr8 @EppPHX @Erika0811 @Ernie545 @fabke @ffs @Filly_McBean @FOBET @fulizard @gasrenus @GayAdHd @gemazing @Geogat12 @george456 @Gingersnappyg @giorgos_mos @giotaki @Glenn1972 @GlenysB @Goldenswordz @gr33n3y3z @GrammaGaming @greddycandy @Greymane @GuffGirl @Gylia @Hana_adamczak @happy1205 @Havish @heatherK1970 @hechicerilla @Hell66 @Hend1125 @Heshan_G @Hinoni @Honey_5708 @hopebbk @Iffu2 @istuff @itsbumby @JacalynCosta @jacinthe84 @JaclynAmes @james7777 @Jared_Buttry @jayteedy @Jelly_bean_hearts @jellyjean @jenniferhagenbuch48 @jennifritz @jersab @jess2901 @JessiBoop_87 @jlynnb23 @jodihunter05 @joelcarlsmith23 @johamilton @Johnny5salive @jojo75 @JordanX10 @joshua2c @js7902 @jverley420 @JuliannaMika @katarzsic @Kayleekay @KCullen127 @Kelutwo @kerbear409 @Kerrie @Kezabelle3 @kiara_wael @kikiray23 @KILLEY2 @Kim_Steel @Kjlyman1 @kris1982 @KristieJ @KTMac @kujo54 @kukajb @lacyleroy @lakiere @laley @LauGar @laydeebae @LeahK @Lemurtek @leshia @Lexi @lexlishious @LiL_Pixie @lindark @lindasin @lisab83 @Lizly62 @Lolley1982 @LoloBash51 @lotsakids @LuciLu8 @Lucy71 @Ludo517 @LynnAnderson @maalik @Magic_Mixer @malikaleena @malloryp @Mamajoe420 @MandyP123 @marebear1264 @Mary8Moeeeee @MaryLuyo2020 @mattmahar8 @max12 @maxinegio @mcbrown @MCCB8885 @me6412 @megumspuds @MelissaMMDP @Mercedes_Diaz @Mery35 @Michael_Dyess @Milinka @MillaOfficial14 @mimi325 @mini8 @miss_monnie @MissHighflower @misspink78 @MissyLuvsB2020 @Mjo1986 @Moh1977 @MollyS @Mommabear1269 @mommakk10 @MommaMary5 @monicasimoes2010 @Mookie2 @MountainMom @MrKizart @Mr_Peely @msg4869 @msgraca @mzphitz @na0218dajks @Nadia1770 @NahlaElhady @namal_butt_01 @Nanakyejames @nanalewis92 @Nancyvaughn1987 @nannewbct @nattychick1973 @natzbiz @ncoll19 @Neena_s @Nenikapaki @nessaann @nettieg @nguyenanhduy1591999 @nickwilliams @niecy76570 @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Nix66 @njimenezhansen31 @Nubiaoliver @NuggyBoo @NurseKrista26 @OOOlena @Origins7_Dale @paco1234 @Palash_Sarma @pat1man @PattyMan @PatWay @paul5473 @Pcj @pdt1982 @peach1997r @pearlyc1p @peggyvereen @penken @pepe_le_pew @PGS210 @Pitty_Kitty @pjc73 @playgowomen18 @Poutsy @Precious0914 @prezy22 @Priesha @purple0822 @PurpleQuee @quad5 @QueebBee1970 @queenbee9214 @Rab123 @Racoon7 @Raerobbie @rajdeeptb @ranathunga @RayB3109 @RayvenL_ @rebelchild @renamifsud2 @rienepien @Rifka_Belkin @Riri2 @Roary2020 @RobinCorte @roscoe15 @rosemariepahayo1 @rustylittles @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @S42S @Sab97150sxm @SabrinaM @Sadie1318 @SagaR @sandritis2 @SanthaSรก @santo_chris97 @Saori @sarahmd @saralynd1986 @SaraVitaMoore @Sayo04 @SBH @Schatzbeatle @SEEILikeIT @SerenaCleveland @sgevony @shafer223 @shall2 @shannontulloh @ShaqKnox @Sharon_Loose @shelleyscnnei @Sherri_Bouknight @shuping17 @SidLock @simplyP @sipc @siti_payung @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo @Skthmom4 @smidgesgirl @Soda_bottelet @Sofia1992 @Spieler_8675309 @Spinnifix @sredjent @Staceybich @Staceylou88 @starlighters101 @stickmandan @Sukanta_Biswas @SunnieB71 @supermomster2018 @Susie_Q1970 @suzekit @swabby @Tamesa48 @tamike000 @TanjaBoni @tashanight3 @Tasty_Cake @teresawallace44 @Terri_1 @tezradog @TheresaGrafton @Timhung @tininha1975 @Tleaf70 @tommie1986 @TomOlsonJr @tootsie86 @Toussaint73 @Tranic @TWalsh @Twi @Tzvi_Marcu @ultrad @unstoppablerad @upperlevel @Verna_Ellenson @Victoria24 @vstexas @VTyanky_69 @Vunke1987 @Warriorcatslover @Wen19 @Werner_Cichy @Whodeet1 @wwiii @wykoon @xray_sheri @Yaz_Milani @yogachik @Yorben_Goeree @Yorkiemom143 @Yosca @Trishy68
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Just because I dont have this feacture..doesnt mean I hate the idea. I still want all my Sodalicious that have team member feature to get this Team Ranking. Its fun to play together toward one goal.
I think it is not so nice that the rewards that I bought and not used are taken away today in the expired date.
RIDICULOUS!!!! the rewards are not free so return them as soon as possible
think it is not so nice that the rewards that I bought and not used are taken away today in the expired date.ย
RIDICULOUS!!!! the rewards are not free so return them as soon as possible!!!
I still have 12 hours free reward that you took away today