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I am seeing several similar problems like I'm having I've played on

Carmella_Fennell Posts: 40 Level 2

my iPad Pro 2 IOS 10.2.1 for months, Then a few months ago boom I was getting stuck at various levels for sporadic amounts of time.... Now, I've been stuck at level 1315 for at least a month .. needless to say I'm frustrated with KING, period!!!   THEY ARE NOT HEARING US ‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼

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  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3

    What's the problem your having, too difficult a level or are you having some sort of technical difficulty with it?

  • Carmella_Fennell
    Carmella_Fennell Posts: 40 Level 2

    Was technical but as of now resolved... somehow 

  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3

    Ah ok, good to hear! I love it when things work themselves out on their own, makes life a little simpler :)

  • Carmella_Fennell
    Carmella_Fennell Posts: 40 Level 2

    Having SAME PROBLEM AGAIN!!   This time at Level 1480  .....  This is so frustrating, I strongly encourage KING to PLEASE address an ALL-TIME FIX or if KING doesn't have the Technical support capable of addressing this on-going issue, as a matter of providing their CUSTOMERS with a reasonable and adequate level of VALUABLE CUSTOMER SERVICE then they (KING) ought to be addressing that issue ... Given that in most all well run businesses, the "ROOT CAUSE" of a repetitive problem affecting Customer Satisfaction is normally first & foremost in attaining & maintaining new and repeat customers ....  I'll look forward to a timely and most importantly favorable response. Kindly.

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