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justbsavage Posts: 7 Level 2

Hi. I'm "wondering" why Batula WILL place Wonderballs on my DESKTOP version (however, the Wonderball disappears after I leave the game and come back, so I have to have Batula place another one), but when I click on Batula/Treasure on my iPhone version I cannot have Batula place a Wonderball - it says "Batula will continue his hunt when there are more levels"????? I'm only on Level 533...

Thanks for your feedback. 😊

Best Answer

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓

    Hello @justbsavage thanks for the infos and pictures

    How long has this been going on, more or less? Did Batula feauture /Treasure Hunt ever work correctly in your game in both platforms in the past?

    Since troubleshooting fails I'll pass this case on so the Game Studio can look into this. 🙂

    Would you mind adding more specific details as they're helpful in the investigation?

    • your game user ID: to find this unique number, tap twice on the king logo you see in profile settings of Soda app. more infos here
    • make and model of your devices
    • versions of Soda apps in Windows and iphone. (I believe it when you say they're up to date but updated game versions may still be slightly different within the same plaform)



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