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Asking friends for help

Tortabella Posts: 9

Level 2

Where do I find the help I’ve asked for?


  • Tortabella
    Tortabella Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Oh okay, lol, well thank you for trying to help! 😊

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hello @Tortabella and welcome to Soda community!

    Could you elaborate more?

    Is Social Hub feature available in your game?

    Is it the old version or is it the new version that has the option to ask friends for boosters?

    Is your friends list blank?


  • Tortabella
    Tortabella Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Hi there and thank you! No I’m not talking about asking for boosters. It’s when you run out of lives to play.. It tells u to ask for help when that happens and I do but I never see any respond like in Candy Crush Soda?

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008
    edited February 2023

    Hello @Tortabella

    Yes, I'm aware we're talking about the ability to ask for/send lives in Candy Crush Soda Saga. πŸ™‚(At least I hope we're talking about Soda πŸ˜…)

    In Soda, it's Social Hub feature that's been allowing that ability in the app version of the game for about 2 years: ever since the feature was implemented. In browser platform (=playing Soda on Facebook platform), Social Hub feature shouldn't be available because it should be possible to ask for/receive lives from Facebook friends.

    For Soda app users, difficulty with getting lives from friends might be due to:

    1. Social Hub being unavailable in the game
    2. Blank friends list inside Social Hub
    3. A different version of Social Hub that is currently under testing, hence the question about boosters.

    Sorry for the confusion in my previous post

    So let's start again πŸ™‚

    • When did this issue of not being able to ask/receive help from friends start?
    • Which device do you use to play Soda? Make and model, please
    • Do you play the game on Soda app downloaded from a store? or only browser?
    • Do you use a King account or Facebook account to save your friends? Do you have FB friends? or were you used to rely on King players only as friends?
    • Is Social Hub feature available in your game? Do you see this icon in your map?

    • Is your friends list blank when you tap on Social Hub icon and visit Friends section?

    Hope this clarifies better ☺️

  • Tortabella
    Tortabella Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Hi Pitty_Kitty

    Thank u for getting back to me to try and clarify my question! Okay I'm going to do my best to answer all of yours.

    1) I guess I've kinda been talking about both candy crush soda and candy crush friends but mainly it's the friends one. I know where and how to receive the help from soda but it's the friends one that I never see an option to receive the friends help when I'm prompted to ask after running out of the five rounds you're given but with the friends one when I've run out of rounds and prompted to ask for help and I do I've never been able to find the help if given any or give help to others

    2) I wasn't and still not aware of this social hub

    3) it says I have friends and there's a list that I'll click on to ask for help but unlike soda version I have never seen an option to except any help or even return the favor

    4) It's always been like this from day one playing it.

    5) I play from my iPhone 7 version through the app and I don't go on or through Facebook. I have a King account.

    If it's not available it's okay I was just curious. Hopefully I have answered all of your questions? I just thought it to be strange if it prompts you to and it's not there. Thanks again for your help and I hope I have been able to explain what I'm experiencing?

    Thanks again,

    Tortabella (Wendy)

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008
    edited February 2023

    Hello @Tortabella sorry for the late reply

    1) I guess I've kinda been talking about both candy crush soda and candy crush friends but mainly it's the friends one. I know where and how to receive the help from soda but it's the friends one that I never see an option to receive the friends help when I'm prompted to ask after running out of the five rounds you're given but with the friends one when I've run out of rounds and prompted to ask for help and I do I've never been able to find the help if given any or give help to others

    I see. What I wrote above only applies to Candy Crush Soda Saga game, I'm afraid. For every King game there are a specific Game Studio and developers behind it so each game works in its own way. I have more experience with Soda game so if you need help with Soda I'm happy to help you but if you have questions about Candy Crush Friends I invite you to visit Candy Crush Friends community here. Friends moderators @DieOmimi @MountainMom will be happy to assist you

    2) I wasn't and still not aware of this social hub

    3) it says I have friends and there's a list that I'll click on to ask for help but unlike soda version I have never seen an option to except any help or even return the favor

    4) It's always been like this from day one playing it.

    5) I play from my iPhone 7 version through the app and I don't go on or through Facebook. I have a King account.

    If we're talking about Soda here then I'm a bit baffled. If you're a Soda app user because you own a mobile device and you're able to receive and ask for lives then I can't imagine how you don't have Social Hub icon in your map. πŸ˜…

    I'd ask you which Soda app version is installed in your device and I'd ask to share a screenshot of your soda map so I can understand better what's going but if this current situation of getting help in Soda is not problematic for you because you're more interested in Friends situation then we can leave it at that πŸ˜ƒ

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,565

    Hi @Tortabella warm welcome. Thank you for the tag @Pitty_Kitty.

    I can only speak to Candy Crush Friends. As Pitty_Kitty mentioned, each game has different features and different functions. Behind each game, there is also a different team of designers and developers.

    As far as sending and receiving life in Candy Crush Friends Saga is concerned, this feature has already been improved, but still does not work optimally.

    You can find the function at the top left (heart icon with the current number of your lives) in your game:

    When I open my game to get my daily reward, I then go to this icon to send life to everyone in my friends list. From some community members in my joy list I know that they arrive (I don't know if they always arrive, but I know that it works).

    All my friends are marked by default when I want to send lives. It is also possible to uncheck the box if you do not want to send life to certain friends. I leave the default setting so that all players in my list get life.

    If I run out of lives and the digit is 0, I can request lives or find lives sent to me and can use them.

  • Tortabella
    Tortabella Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Hi there! Thank you so much for your help and assistance but I am only trying to inquire about Friends, lol and since I've been playing both from my iPhone for a while and suppose I haven't really paid much attention to the Friends game until recently obviously it hasn't been a huge problem and honestly it still isn't it just hit me out of the blue one night after playing it and was prompted to ask friends for help/lives like it does in Soda and realized I've never seen the option where to go to receive new life or help from friends within the Friends game like it does on the Soda game side but if it's not available or an option within Friends no biggie other then why does it prompt you to do that if it's not an option? Again thanks to everyone that has tried to help me, very much appreciated! I doubt it will detour me from playing either one, lol!! Thanks again, @Tortabella

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