Why does it cost $6.99 to open piggy bank?

Level 1
Went to open my piggy bank and the cost was $6.99 for only 30 gold bars. I can buy 30 gold bars for $4.99 from the store.
I ask the same question it’s just so you’ll make purchases I think
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Hello @jo_jo_20715 and welcome to Soda community
Offers, like any other feature, are frequently tweaked by the Studio. Piggy Bank might have that price now but it might change in the future.
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I can go to the "store" and buy 30 gold bars for $4.99. Why would I buy 30 gold bars for $6.99 just because it comes from my piggy bank? It really seems like a scam. I didn't say anything when somehow I went from being able to collect 100 gold bars in my piggy bank and to all of the sudden it changed only 30. It just sounds to me like they are looking for ways to rip people off. I like place candy crush soda saga, but I think I need to stop giving them my money.