menu and information on the level select screen disappeared?

Level 2
For the last few days when I am in the level select screen I cannot see the my team or events in progress icons on the menu screen? Should I be worried? Will these icons return?
Hello @JonnyCashP and welcome to Soda community!
Are your map and levels frozen? Are you able to open and play a level?
Were you playing Bake a Cake and lost your chef hat?
- What's the make and model of your device?
- What is your game ID number? HERE's how to find it
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I was having an issue with the Weekly Contest menu and getting stuck having to restart. Somehow that issue was fixed (at least that menu doesn't pop up anymore on my game) but the game progress icons and events icons (on the levels map) all disappeared. I can still play a level so far. So I don't think they are frozen (the map and levels).
I was not playing bake a cake at the time
My device is an Alienware Laptop (R15 model I think) so I am playing on Windows
My game ID Number is 8898287139
I hope that information helps
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I'm also having trouble. My icons disappeared this afternoon, and I cannot play a level. Its frozen in that nothing is responding, but the main page characters are animated.
ID number 1099549041
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Is anyone actually going to look at this issue and generate a fix for it? I still do not have the game working properly and it's been at least 2 weeks! Would really like to see the game working again soon.
Thanks in Advance
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Hello @JonnyCashP Can you show us a screenshot of your map?
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Here it is. I hope this helps. This is all I see each time.
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Thank you! Did you check for game/device updates? And also important, did you clear the cache?
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Hey both, really sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. Just to double check - are you on the latest update of the game? Please check if it's possible to update it and let me know if that solves the issue.
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How do I check for the latest update? I can't see any option in the game to check (I am using the Windows version on my computer). Either that or I don't know where to look for the option in the menu.
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How do I clear the cache? Where is the directory for the cache found (I use a PC with this game)?