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Missing buttons on the left

jting Posts: 7 Level 2

Hi, I don’t know why but I only see two buttons on the left side of the screen and I think that I’m missing other buttons. I made an account for this game a few days ago. Here’s a screenshot of what I see btw.

I really hope that a solution can be made soon so that I can play the adventure season :)

Best Answer

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,812 Soda Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to Soda Community @jting

    Did you check for game updates? You may not have all features. In order to be able to play the various features and events without problems, groups are sometimes split that can or cannot play a certain event. Read more 👉 here

    So please check for game and device updates, clear your cache * and make sure you have at least 2GB of free memory.

    *Clear cache in Android: go to settings - tap on apps - tap on candy crush soda - tap on storage - tap on clear cache (not data❗️)

    *Clear cache in iOS: go to settings - tap on Safari - tap on Clear history and website data

    If Season Adventure Quests doesn't appear, we'd like to know what device you're playing the game on. (Make and model) We also need your Game ID, 👉 here is how to find it.


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