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What's happening in Soda in May? ๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿน
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Bubblegum Hill 2weeks straight

Maureen-3 Posts: 162 Level 3
Just wondering why? Its been almost two weeks that we have the game every day,, not complaining just wondering ,,thank you


  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager

    Hi Maureen!ย 

    Good to see you again! Bubblegum Hill is an event that is not the same for all players. The team sometimes tries things out, which means we should not have an expectation with events like this but rather enjoy them when they're there!ย Having it for two weeks now does not mean that it will be staying permanently, so make sure you make the most out of it!



  • Maureen-3
    Maureen-3 Posts: 162 Level 3

    Hi,, I have been playing non Stop since yesterday candy crush soda stripe contest and Lisa I think is cheating, everyone has almost the same amount of candies earned like me,,there is no wAy that she has almost 40.000 without cheating,, not fair,

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?