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SApple2 Posts: 3,788

Hi @Pitty_Kitty @Yosca @FluffyDinosaur @QueenB

Some players have posted problem loading the game after the current update. I see commonality which is running the game on Windows 10 and some have noted that it was downloaded from Microsoft Store.

Please let me know if what I'm about to share is not allowed or off-topic.

Back in 2022, similar problem has occurred and a lot of players had difficulty loading the game which included me. Although I haven't signed yet in this Community, I have read about a suggestion by one of the Players about Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. I and other players have downloaded this and it fixed our problem of loading this game.

When I tried to look at the discussion in 2022, I noticed that this suggestion was removed but since one has replied to this player, what was written is still there.

1.) Can I share it here hoping it could help the players that need it in their computer?

2.) Can I share the link of the article that explain what Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is and why it's crucial component when it comes to Windows application?

3.) Can I share the link the player in 2022 provided to download this program that Microsoft created? I bookmarked it just in case I might need the current version.

I'm asking permission before doing all these because I don't want to do anything that is against the rule of this Community. What ever your decision I will abide.

Thanks! ๐Ÿค—

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