Why does my Rewards Pass keep resetting before time is up so all levels can't be completed?

Level 2
I had 1 day and 15 hours to finish the final 3 levels and then it reset and i was given a new pass where I have to complete all 21 levels in my leftover time of 1 hour and 15 hours.. This has happened several times.
I am having this issue, too!!!
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Same issue.
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Hello @ldelgrande @CastleBooBoo @Kimmer11 and welcome to Soda community!
I'm sorry to hear about this. I'll send a problem report to community manager to have this looked into.
In order to do so, please provide these infos:
- version of Soda app currently installed in your device (please check for Soda app first and install the update if there's an available update for Soda)
- make and model of your device
- player ID number. Visit this page to read how to retrieve it from your Soda app
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Thanks for responding.
The version installed is 1.252.3
I am playing on a Galaxy A51 phone, model SM-A515F and a Samsung Galaxy tablet S6 Lite
My player ID is 1014168918
This problem occurred again yesterday where the Rewards pass reset before time was up.
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Hello @ldelgrande
thanks for sharing your gaming details. I'll forward a report to community manager to find out what may be wrong here
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Just happened again last night, I have the remainder of time from my previous rewards pass to complete the new one.
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Hello @ldelgrande
thanks for sharing a picture. I don't have updates yet but I'll pass this on to send a reminder
Is your Soda app updated to version 1.253.1?
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Yes, it is updated to version 1.253.1