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Go to your account, this is a old one from CCS. Click on the green camera...
When you click on add a picture you can choose one of your images to replace what's there.
This is what everyone but me sees.
This is what I see. I don't know why the picture is blurry sometimes.🤔
🎉Yeeoow!🎉 @SApple2 I'm glad it worked for you!!!
Thank you, I think they are! That's about 19 years ago and one of my favorite pictures. My oldest son is giving his brother a ride in his open cockpit plane, which is a old diaper box. That's why he has his bomber cap, goggles and scarf on.😂 Even at that age he knew he wanted to be a pilot. He has his license and will be job hunting soon.
The Social Hub is missing on my end as well. I'm getting more and more fed up with the CCS-games, it's always something...
Still no solution for this @Pitty_Kitty or @Yosca? Social Hub is still missing in my game, plus I'm getting notifications to bake a cake, but that too is missing. It's just a mess.
Hello @José_Savelkoul
At the moment Bake a Cake is not available to all Soda players. please click on the link below to read more infos:
As for Social Hub, this is an old thread related to an issue now solved so I don't have any news about any problem in Social Hub.
could you elaborate more about your problem? do you mean you never had Social Hub in the first place? Or you had it but it disappeared? When did it disappear?
Did you check troubleshooting steps here?
Which device do you use to play Soda? Make and model please
Thanks for getting back to me @Pitty_Kitty. I had it, but it disappeared. I don't know when exactly, it could be a couple of months ago. I'm playing on a Windows11 PC. It vanished in the game through FB, as well as through the Soda-app (current version 1.257.400.0). I'm not gonna uninstall/reinstal by the way, and I checked the permission, it hasn't expired.
Oh, and by the way, if I launch the game through BlueStacks, then I do have the Social Hub. But I don't like having to play through BlueStacks. Hope this will get sorted soon. It used to be okay (through FB as well as through the app), but now it's a mess. Not having problems with other games.