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Level 1951 is impossible because when bottles are collected they don’t count

Tara_Burr_Upton Posts: 1

Level 1

i have been stuck on level 1951 for over a week now! I have spent an insane amount of money on boosters and nothing works! If two bottles drop and both are hit with a striped candy only one will count towards the number needed. When I use a gumball on a fish I’m lucky if out of all the fish hit one bottle. IF fish hit both bottles only ONE will count towards the number I need AND RARELY IF EVER will fish even go to a bottle at all!!  The most annoying thing about this level is it is not counting all the bottles when they are hit, which makes it impossible to pass. I deserve a refund on the amount of money I have wasted buying boosters that are absolutely no help. I don’t know if King purposely set this level up to rip people off by getting us to spend money on boosters that don’t help or if it’s a glitch on this level. I’ve read where level 1966 is doing the same thing. Please help me understand why King will take my money for boosters that don’t work. I want a refund on the money I’ve wasted trying to pass this level or a dang good explanation why King won’t give me a refund or fix the level to work correctly!!! 



  • Lindypoo
    Lindypoo Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I agree. If you notice that some of the blue counters that drop where the bottles drop are not bottles just blue counters, that’s why the fish don’t go for them. It’s a complete rip off as I did what you have done and used countless boosters but cannot pass the level. It’s not fair play and it’s not fun. I don’t mind levels being hard but to make them unpassable without massive use of boosters is getting to be a common theme on soda. 

  • fintroller
    fintroller Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same here.  I just wasted a ton of boosters and lollipop hammers and switches and everything.  With one move left and needing only one more bottle,  I used my switches and hammers. I hit 6 more bottles and NONE of them counted. Really annoyed now. 

  • Chris_Mooney
    Chris_Mooney Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I had the exact same problem. Used 10+ lollipop hammers and 25 gold bars trying to finish it!

  • rwctlc1107
    rwctlc1107 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I just got to this level yesterday and noticed right away the bottles weren’t being counted.  I can’t believe this has been an issue for 6 months and it hadn’t been fixed.  So disappointing.  This may be the end of the game for me.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi guys, I know that you all stated that this level has a glitch many weeks ago but I just saw a recent message on it.  Have any of you cleared it yet?  I am going to report this to a King Admin to have it checked out.

  • Uzma_Ali
    Uzma_Ali Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Just reached this level and same issue.... can they sort this pleeese

  • Uzma_Ali
    Uzma_Ali Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Just reached this level and same issue.... can they sort this pleeese

    Just completed the level, no need for boosters. Try to create fish to clear the liquorice, collect the light blue candy and use the snail to only eat the dull blue bottle NOT the shiny on as it’s just a counter.... hope that helps
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Thanks for writing Uzma, I will forward this to a King Admin but they are very short staffed today so not sure if you will hear back from them immediately.

  • Uzma_Ali
    Uzma_Ali Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Thanks for writing Uzma, I will forward this to a King Admin but they are very short staffed today so not sure if you will hear back from them immediately.

    I've completed it thanks!
  • CK2
    CK2 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I finally figured it out!  Save your turtle for when you have regular candies (instead of bottles) in the slot.  Get rid of the dark blue with the turtle, and you'll reset to get more bottles.  Thanks for giving me a clue that those were regular candies--I would have never figured out why they weren't counting!

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