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Rainbow streak

Tolen Posts: 1 Newbie

Why am I loosing all my streak after not completing 1 level. All 5 bottles go at once


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,794 Soda Moderator

    Welcome to Soda Community @Tolen

    There are different variants to allow players to experience different gaming experiences πŸ™‚

    By the way, I think you were lucky that you didn't lose the entire streak if you couldn't win the level the first time. I've only ever had the Rainbow Streak where I lose all the bottles when failing a level.

  • mcam86
    mcam86 Posts: 4 Newbie

    I only started losing all my bottles at once, since yesterday. It's bloody awful. It's always been one at a time! 😭😭😭

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