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Why are all my friends no longer playing the game

Shemx2 Posts: 72 Level 2

Ill tell you why. In their words and opinions, it's not enjoyable after a certain point. After a certain point if you don't buy boosts you will be stuck on a stage for weeks and months. Until you either but boosts or win through the contests and events. I tend to agree. Like stage 1042 going on two weeks now still on it . It's to where I don't even play at all until a day or two later. If not longer. I would like to know why would you want to have a game where people are constantly leaving to never return. I mean are you being honest that you welcome feedback it helps you to better the game? So when will that happen besides never. I haven't seen a change since I've been playing. One more thing is why you want to have a game or make the game where most stages is a definite pay to win stage. Yeah you might be able to win without doing that. But what are the odds 10 out of a million. 1% of 100 thousand. Really why would you want to make it where stages are so hard that people get turned off on the game and stop playing tell me, I like to know why is this ok with you


  • Lou_2002
    Lou_2002 Posts: 220 Level 3

    Your still in the 1000s it really does get better the more you play

  • Shemx2
    Shemx2 Posts: 72 Level 2

    Ill believe that on the same day pigs fly, I've decided to quit like everyone else I know. They were right beside I get bored after awhile playing the same old stage for a week

  • Shemx2
    Shemx2 Posts: 72 Level 2

    Oops wasn't finished, I got bored and tired of playing the same stage for a week or better, I mean what's the use, it's plain to see that it's a pay to win stage, why else would the fish do the most illogical thing. When computers are supposed to follow logic unless it's programmed that the player is supposed to lose. And it makes me angry to have one square to clear and the fish three times in a row floated and popped squares that has nothing to do with completing the game. I would like an honest answer so you really think that these kind of actions will encourage people to play versus encouraging people to quit playing? Who wants to keep playing a game that is designed to lose. Having stages impossible to win unless you buy buy buy with a 1% probability of winning without buying

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