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What's happening in Soda in May? πŸ–οΈπŸΉ
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Why did I not get awarded the Podium Streak when I should have?

KG11 Posts: 2 Pro Player 👑

Hi, I came second in the most recent weekly contest and I already had two ticks in the podium streak but when I logged in today (assuming I had won) it was not there/awarded!! I should have been. Rather, I am left with NO ticks in the podium section, NO prize for coming second and the next competition has been started. I worked hard (and spent money) on being able to get these prizes and it is a massive let down. Kel

Best Answer

  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 1,263 Community Manager
    Answer βœ“

    Hi there @KG11 and thank for your for making a post. Sorry to hear about your rewards not being sent to you properly, while I can't help you here in the forum, I advice you to send a support ticket so that hopefully you can get some more help with this issue. You can go to the "Contact Us" page for more info.

    Regarding the issue itself, the game studio is aware of this and have been working on a fix that should be out very shortly so it hopefully doesn't happen again. To ensure the best experience in the game, please make sure to check that you're on the latest version of the game and on your device!


  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 1,263 Community Manager
    Answer βœ“

    Hi there @KG11 and thank for your for making a post. Sorry to hear about your rewards not being sent to you properly, while I can't help you here in the forum, I advice you to send a support ticket so that hopefully you can get some more help with this issue. You can go to the "Contact Us" page for more info.

    Regarding the issue itself, the game studio is aware of this and have been working on a fix that should be out very shortly so it hopefully doesn't happen again. To ensure the best experience in the game, please make sure to check that you're on the latest version of the game and on your device!

  • KG11
    KG11 Posts: 2 Pro Player 👑

    Thank you. I have done as you suggested and sent a support ticket.


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