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WHAT is going on lately?

This week has been one frustration after another. Actually recently in general.

I didn't get Kimmy's Arcade as usual. It's my fave booster game - despite the feeling that it has been rigged lately. It's become significantly harder to pass even level 5 our of 10. If I made it past that, I would get a level that needed a 10x bomb to clear, the same course over and over, in lvl 7. In 75-80% of Arcade games it was the same course in lvl 7. It's become rare that I even get to play/reach lvl 8 out if the 10.


Some weeks back I finally got ads for extra moves (after 12,300 levels), but 10-15mins later it disappeared again, and never returned.

My Shipmates game stopped today, mid game, two days early (even the countdown clock said I had until Friday). Two weeks ago my Rescue Buddies game, suddenly didn't show anymore, and nothing this week as well.

My Soda Race has gone down from being 72 hours to only 48 hours, also per 2-3 weeks ago. Right now hoping it starts Friday as usual.

The 'Every 500 played levels' gold offer that I can usually get twice per time I cleared 500 levels, was just now only accessible once.

I never got the Halloween themed game background that usually all players get this time of year/October. I didn't get anything for Kimmy's Nostalgia season either, including not getting the Kimmy's Gone Fishing game. Apparently even the background themes aren't for everyone anymore.

It's increasing getting more and more annoying to play, and this has been my favorite game for years.

I don't know if it's coinsidense, but me not getting seasonal background themes seems to be happening, since the day where FB players couldn't connect to the game for playing. I used to always get them.

As for my booster games disappearing/getting increasingly limited that would apparently be due whatever game group I have been put in. Or maybe it's also connected to that game glitch. In either case, I would really like to end up in another user group, because the current one sucks.

I seem to not be the only one where game is acting up lately.

The only plus right now is that I have the Rewards Pass for the first time in a while.


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  • Posts: 2,806

    Hey there,

    Really sorry to hear about this experience with the game - I understand that this must be super frustrating. Since I've seen you here at times earlier I assume that you've tested all of the troubleshooting steps we normally recommend to see if it solves the problem, but in general it sounds like you've been placed in different testing groups and might've been unlucky in terms of what you've received in the game lately.

    Could you give me the following info so that I can check it with the studio?

    • Device
    • OS Version
    • Game Version
    • Player ID

    This way I can look up and see if there's anything that might be of issue. As always too we recommend to keep the game updated (as sometimes some events are not included in older versions of the game).

  • Posts: 246
    edited October 2024


    Yeah, I have written before, because things got removed along the way, but it's just reached a limit now where I'm considering a longer break from the game. It's just been one game limitation/booster-game removal after another lately, with 3 new removals/limitations just since Monday (5 new game removals/further game limitations since Oct.1st), on top of all the previous ones I have gotten this year, so this is close to being the last nail.


    -I play on an (Lenovo) Android Tablet.

    -Android version 10.

    -User ID: 3105678823

    -Game version 1.279.3, updated Oct.14th.

    I have done all the trouble-shooting with clearing cache, looking for updates, restarting tablet, tried logging off my FB account and back in. That last move may be what cost me my Shipmates game.

  • Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I don't see Halloween themes either and yes I don't get extra moves as of today. Also alot of the featured things you mentioned.also disappeared on me. Not much help here either

  • Posts: 2,806

    Hey there, just wanted to update you and say that I have forwarded it to the studio to have a look at your account in regards to the seasonal events.

    As for the events shifting schedules, this may happen as the studio works with testing different times of what works for players and what doesn't. Unfortunately this isn't something that I can change, but I'll forward that feedback to the studio as well, so thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.

    Also, regarding Shipmates - thanks for mentioning that, we'll keep a closer eye on this and investigate further as to why that happened (As it shouldn't end in the middle of an event like you say).

    I'm not sure about the final part that you mentioned earlier, but are you saying that you've been experiencing losing boosters as well? Or did you more refer to the events where you can earn boosters?

    Thanks for your patience with us on this, I can't promise that I can fix everything, but I'll do my best to talk with the studio to hopefully get some help and improve things! πŸ™

  • Posts: 246
    edited October 2024

    Thank you for passing it on.

    I meant that I increasingly get less of the regular events/games where I can win boosters, and/or also a significant decrease in run time for each game, not that I lose boosters.

    On the times that has happened, I solved it with game staff.

    I meant that run time for most of my regular game is now only 2-4 days a week, having decreased from 4-7 days. Soda Race went from being weekly to 72 hours, to now only running 48 hours a week since 3 weeks ago.

    The seasonal games don't always activate for me, this includes the Reward Pass, which is quite far in between for me.

    Even my Mega Ball recently gives fewer bonuses, as there's now further between streak bonuses - going from needing a streak of 7, 15, 25, 50, 75, to now requiring a streak of 10, 25, 50, and I think next streak is 90 or 100 to get the small bonus.

    Having the team versions of 4iaRow and Shipmates means I must often wait for others to play to win boosters, and it frequently make one game last 1-2 days - and I only have Shipmates for 4 days a week (only 2 days this time as it disappeared early). Kimmy's Arcade is the booster game that is my biggest help, so I deeply hope that it's only this week that I suddenly didn't get it.

    Like I said, even the cheap gold purchase offers comes less, and/or as of this week, I can now suddenly only claim the 'cleared 500 levels' offer once at a time instead of two.

    For someone, who's never had the easy road of getting moves/help for ads, winning and buying boosters and moves is my help, and I get less and less options/time to win them in games. For the all of 10-15 mins I was given ads (at lvl 12,320-something) and got to keep them long enough to clear one (πŸ˜†) hard cake level before the ads went *poof* again, I can say that the people who has ads seriously don't know how easy they have it in this game.

    IIRC you don't have the ads option either, so you know that boosters are the way forward.

  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I agree this game is getting more frustrating every level seems like A very hard level unless you can pay for it,

  • Posts: 2,806

    Hey there, wanted to check back in on this.

    What device are you playing on specifically? When talking to the studio they said that you should be seeing the seasonal themes, but depending on the device - it may be that you don't see it to ensure that the game runs in a stable way (sometimes it has a lot of effects which can be troublesome for some devices 😰).

    As for the rewards and events in the game as you mentioned, these changes from time to time in the game. So this, while it sounds frustrating, seems to not be a "bug" or error. However, I've passed this feedback on to the studio.

    This goes for Kimmy's Arcade as well, as it's not always live for everyone, so hopefully you'll have it back soon in your game.

  • Posts: 246
    edited October 2024

    Hi @LoFiGummy

    Sorry for late reply.

    There's still a bug with my Shipmates. I have made a report. I got it Monday morning as usual, with the run time saying it will last until Friday morning (4 days) as it usually do, but now again, like last week, as soon as I completed a battle here today/Wednesday morning, no new game appeared, and Shipmates is gone from my activities (see photo). Last week my round of the game completed Wednesday evening, then the game disappeared. So it's not even the same time of the day, but it disappears Wednesdays after the battle is completed.

    I play on a Lenovo tablet M10, and I don't know why seasonal backgrounds doesn't work for me anymore. It's the first time I experience this, after years of playing. I usually always get the change in backgrounds. I added photo taken just now, so you can see how it's still the generic background still being there, despite my game being up to date. It still feels like something went 'off' in my game, since the day where we had the glitch of the game not being able to connect to FB, or maybe it was even sooner, but I didn't notice it before.
    It seems like Kimmy's Arcade has been taken away from my game for now, hopefully very temporarily, and exchanged for getting the Rewards Pass, as I now have that for the 2nd week in a row. Looks like my Rescue Buddies is also removed, as it's 3rd week that one isn't there. Haven't had a Rewards Pass for months prior to this, so nice to see that one again. I'd rather still have the Arcade, but I know I can't decide that.

    What you see here are the games I have left, along with Shipmates for 4 days a week (2 days with the glitch), and the weekly cake + my 48 hours of Soda Race.

  • Posts: 8,851

    Hi @DanishWolf , do you have Kimmy's Arcade now? When is it appear if you have it?

  • Sorry for the late reply. No, I seem to have permanently lost Kimmy's Arcade, or at least it will be gone for a long time, which sucks. I got the Rewards Pass instead now, but it's severely lacking in what I collect of boosters vs. what I got from Kimmy's Arcade.

    The game has cut down on my ways to get boosters by a LOT in the past 6 months. Today gave a new decrease in how I can get boosters πŸ™„


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