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(Getting Fixed) 4-In-A-Row: Issues & Disappearing
I have the game, but with that Come Back Later, as soon as I finish 2 daily tasks. Then I can't open it again until the day after when I can play the next day's 2 tasks - of if my team mates complete the row, so I can start the new board.
MY issue is that I am frequently matched with a player, or both team players, who (excuse my language) sucks at how to play this game, or don't really participate. I have had boards that take 2-3 days to complete, bc a teammate hogs a task, not playing it, or they seem to think they can only play one task, and/or that we play against each other, so they pick a task in another row. Others don't know that they can change their chosen task, as long as they haven't completed it.
It would be REALLY nice if this game gave Tips how to play, like 'Complete up to two tasks per day', or 'You can choose another task'.
Or have me the single player version. It's one of the only booster games I have left, and I get so few boosters from it, also bc I have reached the door-levels.