problems with Facebook teams settings
I made a team on my online Facebook account. I want to invite my Facebook friends that I sent lives to, to join my team, but there is no button to invite those facebook friends. Chat is not available online. I can only see activity and store icons. And in this acitvity only Podium game available. I connected my download game from my old laptop to my Facebook account. In this download game the icon Social is available. I see my Facebook friends but still I cannot sent an invite to them. If I choose for invite friends there is no Facebook logo available to invite my friends. So why connected to Facebook if you can't do anything?
Best Answer
Hey there! I see you're having some trouble inviting your Facebook friends. You mentioned not seeing any Facebook logo available to invite your friends. Have you double-checked if the Facebook app is correctly installed when you go through the "Social" > "Add more friends" > "Contacts" > "Invite" flow on the Candy Crush Soda Saga app in your device? Thanks in advance!
Hey there! I see you're having some trouble inviting your Facebook friends. You mentioned not seeing any Facebook logo available to invite your friends. Have you double-checked if the Facebook app is correctly installed when you go through the "Social" > "Add more friends" > "Contacts" > "Invite" flow on the Candy Crush Soda Saga app in your device? Thanks in advance!
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On Facebook online the team is dead. Instead of solving the problems with the team setting and baking cake they removed everything to the activity center, which is only available for download games not in the online game. So instead of solving the problems for those players seeing message for years that the bakery is opening soon, they closed the bakery for online players. So I don't understand why you have to connect your game on Facebook if its a dead feature online. So I made some screenshots how I see my online team. I don't mean the Facebook app, I don't play on mobile phones because the screen is to small for me. I only play online.
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Hey there. Thank you for sending the screenshots. It seems that for the moment, the Social option isn't available for you. This can happen with some features of the game. Sometimes they will go unavailable for a while, as they're not meant to be permanent.
These features keep being reintroduced as they are constantly tested by our team, to keep the game entertaining and so that we can improve it as well. Thank you and have a great day.
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This feature for Facebook online gaming is gone for years now. For the online gamers that don't use the Facebook app the message for years was that the bakery will opening soon. Instead King developers chose to remove the bakery from the teamsetting to the activity center where the online players still don't have acces to the bakery. Even if I can invite my Facebook friends to my team, they still can't play for the team bakery. And getting the automatic responses from King to check the community for solutions will not solve this problem created by them.
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I think that there is no real people working more at the helpdesk at King. The only reply you get is that automatic response that you have to check this community who can't help with the online game players at Facebook who don't use any Facebook app. King hide for years now behind the message that sometimes there are no extra games. They closed that option for those players. Last year a moderator replied to use your ID number for help at King. You can add that number in your mailmessages but still no response. So that ID number has no value for me, because you still get the automatic response. In my option now is that there a no real persons working at the helpdesk.