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Quests vs MTF which is best - discuss



  • NotMrHappy
    NotMrHappy Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Elsa said:
    Elsa, many thanks for letting me know of, and the length of, your relationship with the elusive Mr Xarly.  Perhaps you could confirm that he is still around, as he seems to have gone a bit quiet and I for one am starting to get a tad concerned.  As you know, in the distant past he promised to update us with some news, but alas nothing has transpired and we still await with keen and eager anticipation.
    I wonder whether its "the studio" that has gagged him or even perhaps a fate worse than that has occured, I don't know, but I guess and fervently hope that you, having known him all this time, can shed some light in these dark and dismal times. For one that "...never backs away or ignores messages..." his silence, and apparant unwillingness to address his frustrated audience is worringing to saythe least.
    But on the other hand maybe he just doesn't care and is waiting for it all to die down and go away?
    Yes he is still around.  The community managers are working on lots of things at the moment but he does come here to read what the players are saying.  He might not be able to update with some news because he doesn't have anything new to tell you.  It's frustrating when you, as community manager, speaks to the studio and shares the player's messages with them.  Since I am not in the office when information is exchanged I can't tell you what conversations they have but when he does get updates from the studio he does come here to let the players know.  He's just one of the middle guys, like me, who passes the word along to the studio but then it's beyond his control when he doesn't get an answer as to whether the studio will be making the changes or if and when the testing might be finished. 

    I don't know if it's a gag from the studio.  I think it's more of he is not getting updates from the studio.  I'm sure that when he does speak to them he asks what's going on with this or that.  If they tell him "we're still working on it" or "we need to collect more data" then it has to be frustrating on his end that he doesn't have an answer for the players.  He is definitely not a person who doesn't care!  I don't think that he is waiting for it to die down because I can tell you, personally, from the messages that are posted here the players are just as frustrated and also want answers.  We all want answers so we all have our levels of frustration.

    I am not privy to what's going on behind the scenes with regards to changes that might be going on with the game, nor do I think that @Xarly knows.  He was very excited when he found out about Mr. Toffee's Fair before it was released to the public and immediately he created a blog to let the players know about it.  Unfortunately, that event is not turning out well which you might have seen in his message where they are all complaining that they don't like the options and are very upset that all events have disappeared from the game.  Personally, I am also upset that the events are gone.  My favorite was the Rocket Race.  I created a video guide for beginners and it was posted in the discussions here in the community yesterday.  Here is the page on the Rocket Race.  It was a really fun race and I always picked the same team and they always won.  I can't remember now what the rewards were but it felt good being on a winning team.   I think it was taken off because it wasn't doing as well as what they expected.  This is just my guess on it but I do miss these types of events because the game is difficult for me and those rewards came in handy.

    Sorry about writing such a long message.  It's now 419 AM where I live and I have been up for 5 hours already and my fingers just want to keep typing.  I will close it for now and please feel free to discuss any further questions or comments.

    Elso, many thanks for your long, thoughtful and insightful post, most illuminating and I am sorry that your fingers were not able to continue their 5 hour marathon.  Anyway I assume that you have adopted the role of the illusive Mr Xarly's spokesperson and as such wonder whether you are in a position to honour the commitment he gave a week or so back to give an update on Mr T's fate.  Can you do so as many of us will not play this once good game until/unless Quests are returned to us all.  Look forward to your, (or Xarly's) response.  Yours etc etc 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Thanks for the laugh!  I have been up all night long and now it's early afternoon so I needed that laugh!  I am just a King Superstar meaning that I volunteer to come here to help the players with their issues.  I stopped playing Mr. Toffee's Fair a week after I got it.  It wasn't worth the effort for that reward.  The only thing that I can do is Bubblegum Hill on the weekend and this was not the easiest to do but I should have received my 6 lollipops for making it up to the end.  I haven't opened the game in a few hours so I don't know if I was dethroned yet.

    Is this your only King game that you play?  I play all 4 Candy Crush games, Blossom Blast and Farm Heroes.  So this is how I play my games.  I will open this game and get my free daily reward.  Then I go to my level and play it twice or maybe 3 times and then I'm done with the game for the day!  I never even use up my 5 free lives.  I do that with all the games and then I'm done until the next day.  So I have distractions from this game by trying to clear the others instead.
  • NotMrHappy
    NotMrHappy Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Elsa said:
    Thanks for the laugh!  I have been up all night long and now it's early afternoon so I needed that laugh!  I am just a King Superstar meaning that I volunteer to come here to help the players with their issues.  I stopped playing Mr. Toffee's Fair a week after I got it.  It wasn't worth the effort for that reward.  The only thing that I can do is Bubblegum Hill on the weekend and this was not the easiest to do but I should have received my 6 lollipops for making it up to the end.  I haven't opened the game in a few hours so I don't know if I was dethroned yet.

    Is this your only King game that you play?  I play all 4 Candy Crush games, Blossom Blast and Farm Heroes.  So this is how I play my games.  I will open this game and get my free daily reward.  Then I go to my level and play it twice or maybe 3 times and then I'm done with the game for the day!  I never even use up my 5 free lives.  I do that with all the games and then I'm done until the next day.  So I have distractions from this game by trying to clear the others instead.
    No problem, laughter is good for the soul which is why I laughed and laughed when the elusive Mr Xarly said he would give an update.  Oh how I laughed, moreso each day as that commitment disappears into the sunset and beyond.

    For your info, I used to play this one and Jelly, but dont play at all anymore, and wont unless quests and the fun are returned. (ps, if you see Xarly give him a poke and see if he is alive, ta). 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    We live at opposite ends of the world so I won't be seeing him at all!  Hey there is one good thing that is coming out of all of this?  Guess what that can be?  I met you and other awesome people here on the Internet!  It's amazing how we can all live at different parts of the world and we are just connected with wifi!  If nothing else, I've really met a bunch of nice people so that is a plus for me!
  • marscrushinit
    marscrushinit Posts: 2,536
    Hi @Elsa. I like to use the turtle the same way as you. I use him to clear my blue so he can recharge faster. Is he new or has he been around got a while?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    He's been around ever since I started playing the game but I can't remember when I started!  LOL!
  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    Hi everyone,

    As a fan of sarcasm and humour, I salute you.

    As a Community Manager, I apologise for being so elusive, as some might say. The reason for it, is purely down to what @Elsa herself perfectly mentions, along with some structural changes that we have been working on, both within the team and also in relation to games like Soda itself. Regarding Mr Toffee's Fair, which is the purpose of this thread, the team is currently looking at ways to improve the feature, looking at pain-points mentioned by you all such as the team being irresponsive, for example. Since there are no clear updates yet from them, as they still investigate the issue, I didn't have much to add to the discussion, so I preferred to leave you all sharing and discussing your thoughts around it. I'm happy to discuss if my approach is or not the best one in this scenario.

    As a person, I just want to remind you all that I am exactly that, a person. One that cares and that is passionate about both our games and our players. Finding the perfect balance between both is never easy, but I feel fine knowing that I for sure always try my best to get it right.

    Now please let's go back to the purpose of this thread, the discussions around Mr Toffee's Fair or the Quests. If you wish to ask me anything, you can always do it in another thread (within the Fun Area, since Discussions is a corner meant to be used for game-related conversations).

  • therev
    therev Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I've just lost the quests I was halfway through to go on Mr Toffee's fair. That sucks a bit. I uninstalled the game when I was on level 670 because of the fair, I recently reinstalled it and was pretty happy the quests were back but it was all a ruse. Can't say I'll play much any more, the fair really puts me off.
  • Wiggles777
    Wiggles777 Posts: 78

    Level 3

    First they killed my contests, then they killed my quests and now this Toffee ‘but whole’ shows up to crap on everything fun.  He was a mistake from the beginning and nothing has changed to make him any better.  The golden tickets were fun till they got horribly nerfed but the game as it stands is a shadow of what it once was.
  • Wiggles777
    Wiggles777 Posts: 78

    Level 3

    @Elsa I can’t believe you are still peddling not banking boosters.  IOS users...  your local save is on the cloud I’ve changed iPads multiple times and haven’t lost a thing.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?