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Purchased 20 Gold blocks

Sherry4348 Posts: 3 Newbie
I purchased gold blocks on Level 1517 to try to complete it, however, first time it seemed to not go through, although it set it did, so I purchased another 10, got the same message. The purchase for both have gone through to my bank, so I did buy them. However, I can not use them, it is saying in the area where the gold block count is, that I have 21 available to use, but I can't use them. When I 'die' on the game, it asks if I want to continue, with the options to buy gold blocks. I have them in my count, but for some reason I can't use them, game won't let me get them. I need help to make them available or refund my money that I paid for them. Thank You.



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    edited January 2020
    Hello @Sherry4348, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :) 

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue in your game!!  So, the game is showing that you have 21 Gold Bars, but you are not able to use them, correct?  

    If so, try to clear cache/cookies and reboot the device, which might clear the issue.. below is the proper procedure 👇
    Force close the App ---> Disconnect from WiFi ---> Clear Cookies / Cache ---> Shut down your device and restart after 2-3 minutes ---> Connect the Internet ---> Log back into the game --->  Check if your Gold Bars appear in the game by trying to buy any boosters!  

    If it still doesn't work, please post back and let me know.  If you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you can write back.  

    Hope everything works out fine!  Talk to you soon!  Have a wonderful rest of the day/evening!
  • Sherry4348
    Sherry4348 Posts: 3 Newbie
    I tried everything, however, I still can't get at them. Was having other issues with the game earlier, but those seemed to work their way out. Reading some of the other post, those were some of the issues I was having before the issue now. So, I don't know what else to do. I've lost money before when I tried buying Gold Blocks on my phone, that was almost $10.00 worth, that time it said nothing went through and my account wouldn't be charged and to try again later, I did, 4 more times, same message, $10.00 gone. Now this issue has taken $3.98 from my account, which I have no problem of it being charged, as long as I can use what I bought, but even though it says they are there, I can't get at them.  Help.
  • Sherry4348
    Sherry4348 Posts: 3 Newbie
    Oh by the way, this issue is on my PC not my phone.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    Hello again @Sherry4348, Thank you for replying back :+1: 

    Please contact the "Player Support Team" and send a complaint about the issue and also to request for your missing items.  It is because the King Community does not deal with the purchase issues!!  Here is the link to contact the King Player Support team --->  

    ** While filling out, enter the TOPIC as "Problems with Purchase"; 
    and the SUB-TOPIC as "Purchased Items not Received"; 
    Explain briefly about the issue and Submit the form. 
    NOTE:  Along with above details, make sure to enter the Game Name correctly! 

    After sending the complaint, you will be receiving an automated email as acknowledgement.  If you have not heard from them within 3 days, send a reply to that automated email you have received. 

    ** Please post back if you need further assistance!  Hoping for the Best!  Have a great rest of the day/evening! 

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