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Why did all of my extras disappear? I worked so hard at saving them 😢

gina_hollis Posts: 1 Newbie
All of my extras disappeared and I’m trying figure out why?


  • aogriffis68
    aogriffis68 Posts: 1 Newbie
    I tried to purchase my piggy bank and it wouldn’t process for some reason and it wiped my bank out! I’m so upset too!
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    Hello @gina_hollis, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to hear that you lost your boosters from the game!!  Can you please tell me what game you are having this issue in?  

    Also, did you reinstall the game on your device OR change the device? 

    ** Please post back and let me know these details. so that I can further assist you!  

    Thank you for posting in the Community!  Have a great weekend ahead =)
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    I tried to purchase my piggy bank and it wouldn’t process for some reason and it wiped my bank out! I’m so upset too!
    Hello @aogriffis68, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :)

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue in your game!  But, I am sorry to say that I am not clear whether you have not received the Gold Bars from your Piggy Bank even-though you were charged OR you have received an error message, when you are trying to buy the Gold Bars!  

    Can you please post back and provide more details?  

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!

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