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End of the road

ndnjd Posts: 2

Level 1

I’m at 4390 - end of the road. When will new episodes be coming?? Been waiting a couple weeks now. 🤔🤔



  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Welcome to the King Community @ndnjd 👋🏻 What game and device are you playing? Every week new levels are there. Did you update the game and your device? (I’m playing on iPad and latest level is 4465 version 1.163.5)

  • ndnjd
    ndnjd Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hey Yosca! I’m playing Candy Crush Soda on my iPhone. No updates avail. Guess I just have to keep waiting. 🙄😐

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Have you the latest update of your iPhone? And what version of the game do you have? You should have version 1.163.5

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    I am also waiting on more levels to be built. I am at the end, which is Level 4525, have reached the end about 4x now.

    Have latest update, which is: v1.163.500.0 done on 3/5/2020.

    My Current Level 4525 on Candy Crush Soda Saga - Origins7 Dale

    • Sushi Sweetness

    Also, I don't own or use smartphones on gaming. Use my Win 10 Pro - PC.

    What normally happens, is King builds a couple of episodes, which may each have 14-15 levels in it. But then they stop building. I play to the end, & it's easy to do, because of the "Weekly Contest", along with other things. Need to stay ahead of us, or we can't play.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hi @Origins7_Dale This is correct. Every week new levels come (mostly 30) and pc players get them first (I think Wednesdays). Android and iOS get them later (Fridays) . We’re now at 4465. So be patient this is how it goes 😊.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited March 2020

    Hi Yosca,

    Your level 4465 is for Candy Crush Friends. I am at Level 4525 for "Candy Crush Soda Saga". I have been patient, in fact 4x or more, I keep asking for more levels to be built (by e-mail mostly), each time, & still have to wait long periods to get them. The programmers or King designers of these games, should never stop building levels. It's simply bad business, there is nothing to do, when you reach the end, so no way to play. It also puts you at a disadvantage, since you cannot compete in races, win boosters, & so on. For example, I had like 45 mins left on a special offer I bought for $8.99, for 2 hours, when I reached this end, at level 4525, so lost that time, I bought. It has happened before. More levels = more $. They should be way ahead of us, but in fact are not. It amounts to having a store, but with no merchandize, to sell. You shouldn't be frustrating your dedicated or senior players. Just my thoughts, on this issue.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


    P.S. BTW, today is wed., no new levels yet.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    @Origins7_Dale No it’s from Soda. I always see an icon of an other King game in my corner 😅 They want me to play Friends as well I think lol.

  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555

    Well spending money on a free game is just foolish to begin with, not to mention the fact you can simply scroll over to the right to see the paint can signifying there are no new levels after that point. If you’re familiar with being at the top level you should have seen that coming.

    The other days of the week simply play BGH to stock up on hammers to help clear the new levels when they come out. I usually manage to run through it a couple times a day to gain about ten or so hammers with the help of the daily bonus. Between that and the daily quests I manage to keep a fairly level amount of boosters in stock week to week.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi Dirty_Nurse,

    On the special offers $8.99 & so forth, you are not given an opportunity to look, it pops up before you can do anything else. When you come back to the game. With the statement, "Last Chance", after 24 hours or so. I don't always remember where I am at in my games. I also play Bubblegum Hill, pretty much all that is left, to stock up on, Popsicle Hammers. Have over 200 of them. But they are not the stronger Striped Popsicle's. On Mr. Toffee's Fair, limited here also, since I cannot complete any new level's listed, because I have none to play with. You lose, the 5 Gold Bar Race, the Weekly Contest, any chest in the level, with batula dropping the key to open them, & so on. It is not the same game, when you reach the end. Sure, it's a free game, but at the 4500 level, you are not going far, without those all important boosters. In fact tried to play without boosters, think I made it 2 or 3x bye a level, but it was sheer luck, because everything fell into place.

    Again, just my thoughts on this building level's issue.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555

    Thankfully I have not yet been burdened by the Farce, I still have the daily quests which rely only on my own gameplay not an awful “team”. If at some point I do lose the quests I’ll simply abandon the game as they’re the only way to get the more powerful boosters. So if you have 200 hammers why would you ever need to even think about spending real money on worthless virtual items?? Use the things and then restock during the days of the week where you have no new levels to play. You also get a pittance of gold bars for playing through BGH which is used to get 5 extra moves at the end of the levels after you go through the 5 ads each day that extend play between 3-15 moves. Oh and Bakula is always ez to reach he only ever moves 2-5 levels away...with 200 hammers that shouldn’t be an issue at all whatsoever.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?