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No Kimmy's Arcade during/after Easter

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,034 Community Manager
edited May 2020 in Support

Hello Soda crew!!

You may have noticed Kimmy's Arcade is not showing up in your game this week.🙃

Our @LadyRaffie has asked the Studio about this and we have an answer: Kimmy's Arcade will not be available this week because it's not compatible with the Egg Hunt event- but don't worry! It will come back after the event has finished.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. Meanwhile you hope you can enjoy the Egg Hunt in the game and the one we have in the Community.

Have a Sodalicious week!!🐰

Best Answer

  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,126 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hello guys!

    Quick update on this: I have talked with the Studio and it seems they made a few changes. That is why some of you who had it before Easter might not being see it now. That's all the info I have at this moment but we have a meeting with the Studio in the coming days where we will give us more insights regarding this

    As always, as soon as I get that info you will be the first ones to know 🤗



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?