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Is it possible to have the same avatar in all the games?

samsis Posts: 30 Level 2

I play CCSaga, CCSodaSaga, and have entered the community.king.

I registered in Saga and my avatar is there. When I play SodaSaga it comes up in the game but not in the final part.

I couldn't register with the same profile in the community.

Is there a way to link them together?


Best Answer

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615 Level 5
    Answer βœ“

    Your account with your games and the account at this Community are completely different. And that is the reason, you cannot have the same profile picture as in your game for this Community Profile.

    You can only choose from the given "default" options as your Profile pictures, and once you reach to Level 5, you can have the same picture as in your games in here too πŸ‘οΈ


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,355 Candy Moderator

    Hello dear @samsis Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community πŸ€—

    Your account with your games and the account at this Community are completely different. And that is the reason, you cannot have the same profile picture as in your game for this Community Profile.

    You can only choose from the given "default" options as your Profile pictures, and once you reach to Level 5, you can have the same picture as in your games in here too πŸ‘οΈ

    With regards to the Profile picture in your Candy Soda game, can you please explain a bit more? I am sorry to say that I have not understood what you meant by "it does not come in the final part".

    Please post back your reply by typing in the comment box given below.

    Talk to you soon! Have a wonderful rest of the day 🍬 🍬

  • samsis
    samsis Posts: 30 Level 2

    Hello PummyRaj,

    Thank you for giving me an answer so quickly.

    When I started playing Candy Saga I edited my profile and chose a picture for my avatar. This new avatar comes up as expected during the game.

    In the Candy Soda game I am able to see my new avatar by the numbered game on the map. It also appears when I go to Mr. Toffee's Fair in the three player team, and when the players in the race are displayed, but when I win a game (the final part) the old avatar (that was given to me when I started) is shown. Based on what you have told me I'm thinking I need to change the avatar and password for each game.

    Thanks again for your help,


  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,035 Community Manager

    Hello @samsis !

    Hmm that looks like a little technical issue in your Soda game. Do you play on a PC or on a mobile? I guess you're connected to a King account?

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615 Level 5
    Answer βœ“

    Your account with your games and the account at this Community are completely different. And that is the reason, you cannot have the same profile picture as in your game for this Community Profile.

    You can only choose from the given "default" options as your Profile pictures, and once you reach to Level 5, you can have the same picture as in your games in here too πŸ‘οΈ

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