please help get this worked out. I have the latest version and lots of stored lives.
I'm having the same issues. I can send lives but cannot open my saved ones. They are on the right side of my screen, show the same picture as the screenshot above. The envelopes containing lives are closed "stored" with the envelopes closed and a heart icon on them. I need the lives so please help. This started today…
I'm stuck here as the bombs explode without waiting for me to play- keeps showing a tutorial and even if I skip that they still explode immediately. I'm stuck here and it's counting down the z2 hour free lives reward.
Thanks for the i up paste! I'm on iOS apple and waiting for the fix. Will you send an email or? All my new events have disappeared from my page and I've lost all my leads I thiplus my daily rewards are gone. Will they come ba CC k?
Is there any news or idea when I can start playing again? I've lost all my rewards except 47 gold bars… no way to recover all my event rewards, of weekly events. I just received a 30 min daily reward of a candy bomb but will lose that as well, I've tried deleting and everything, but no luck