I don't know too much about windows 10 but normally if an app crashes its due to things like, memory issues, CPU usage etc. It might be that your PC is running too many programs and it can't handle another so the app crashes. Open up your task manager and check how much space you have, how full your memory is etc. Here you…
Hi Ehtasham, I'd go for Google Chrome when playing on PC. I know this doesn't answer your question regarding Windows 10, but it's what I use myself on PC and I hardly ever have an issue with my game-play in Chrome. In Win 10 it's an app, not running thru a browser.
Hi Lala Pop, What browser are you using? Have you tried using another browser? Try to play in Google Chrome or use the browser you played in before having Windows 10 on your PC. Let me know if that helps please It's a Win10 app, it's not thru a browser.
Thanks Combo. Magically it started working the following day. The only thing I can figure is perhaps a server issue or routing somewhere along the line. I appreciate your response and marked my question as solved with it since I no longer have the issue. Have a great day.