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christinewupp Level 5


  • Why are you posting this? I just wonder because I have seen other posts like their mother's name or their dog's name and I'd like to know why people do that? Are you trying to set up a security question? Why here?
  • Send a complaint to customer support. Do this via the app using settings. They might refund some of the gold as they are aware that there was this problem.
  • Mine seems to be back on iPad as well now. I'd better finish the episode I'd started as time has ticked on and I don't want to lose out on the gold or lose my win streak. I guess when there is a risk of a major shutdown and significant loss of income the emergency team does get out at King.
  • Hello. I believe that the server has broken down. Please contact your google playstore or Apple to try to get a refund as you did not receive what you purchased. If you have no luck there, then once the server is fixed contact King player support via the app to complain. But you will have to wait until they have fixed the…
  • Oh, great for you and good to know it's still working for some.
  • There is a major issue, the numbers of posts in Support about this are flooding in. I suspect that NOBODY is able to connect right now….? I am quite relieved it's not me though. I genuinely thought it was because I was trying to log in on my old iphone and had broken something in my game. I can wait to play until they've…
  • And my latest tip is: Don't play while there is no connection to the server! You will lose out on the gold from the episode races and chocolate box rewards. If your game is not connected then wait until the issue gets resolved. How do you know if you are connected? Go into your profile and click on any of the boosters. If…
  • If you are bored while the server is down, maybe you might like to read some of my tips that I posted a few weeks ago….
  • The server is down, I think @Kerrie . Can you connect in your game at all? I can't and judging by other posts no one can connect to the app store in the game?
  • I am not sure if King have an emergency team around at weekends? I heard they don't work weekends and only the bots or AI are around to give automated answers. But let's face it, losing Candy Crush for a day or two isn't really an emergency in the grand scheme of things, is it? Let's all just do something else instead.
  • The server at King's seems to be down at the moment. It's not you. You will need to wait until it gets fixed by King.
  • Thanks for this information. It is reassuring to know there is nothing wrong with our devices and games. I guess it's time to find something else to play or do this weekend.
  • Hi there. I think it's definitely a central issue, since I have just experienced a total connection issue myself for the first time ever and there are lots of complaints trickling in in the support forum here. Unfortunately I have heard that King don't work at weekends so I don't know if there is anyone around to fix it. I…
  • Don't play any more levels. Maybe you will get the gold once the connection problems have been solved. If you don't start the next episode hopefully you will get the gold once connection is reestablished. I have also lost my connection this evening, so it may be a more widespread issue. The best thing is to not play the…
  • I have never had a connection issue in all the years of playing Candy Crush but suddenly tonight when trying to open the game on a second device I lost all connection to the server on all my devices, just like you did. I think this is not us, it's them. As it's weekend now, I'm not sure if there is anyone around at King to…
  • I also have @cookiemae as Lilly today, and @Colleen12 as Colleen, rather than NannyC. There are some other players as well whose name on my friends list changes to king plus a number and a player normally called "ND" changed to "Andy". Alienscar is always Alienscar though, except when they're a Sneaky Melon Duck of course……
  • That's because none of us in the community here know how to solve it @shreekrishna2018 . In fact I am facing a total connection failure right now myself, for the first time ever, and am wondering what is going on in my game. The game is broken and King need to fix it. All these errors are at their end, and if we can't play…
  • There is no way to make real money that is valid in the real world through playing this game. If you mean gold bars in the game, then please post again and we will let you know how to earn gold bars (which have no value whatsoever in the real world).
  • Just to note @PummyRaj Johnny Crush stopped posting videos at about level 10,000. In fact he told me why this was here in this community about a year ago: It was exactly for the reasons that players have noted here, because levels were getting changed and moves removed or added so frequently. Also Johnny always played…
  • In these upper reached of Candy Crush King change the number of moves regularly to make the levels harder or easier to pass. The best advice I can give you is to set the game aside for a while until the moves are increased again. If enough players get stuck and don't move on, then eventually King will make an entire…

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