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corals22 Level 2


  • Same here, the problems started this morning, can't access the game, the screen says I'm offline. Checked for updated, cleared caches, did everything I was supposed to. Upon contacting the Player Support, I got a generated reply to head back here?!
  • Hello again, I still didn't receive the 1st prize of the Weekly Contest, now it's been almost 2 weeks since I completed the first of streaks, I have finished the second one as well and received a prize, the third one is on the way, but the prize for the 1st place in the first streak is still missing. Any clues on that?…
  • I also didn't get mine today?
  • I didn't get the acknowledgement email, all I got was an automatic response on how to check my connection (?). I replied and then again got two automated responses, one about the connection issues and the other asking for my feedback about how helpful they were. I did send an email again, we'll see what will happen this…
  • Thank you, @Yosca for your answer. I contacted the Player Support Team but not much happened, because all I got was a computer generated response which wasn't helpful at all. Funny though, when you contact the support team you have to check the "I'm not a robot" box, and then the robot answers you right back :-) Anyway, is…
  • I don't think this has to do with the people on your friends' list. I was playing with my friend, side by side, laptops next to each other. I sent him a life request and it appeared in his inbox the next morning! Then we sat again side by side, laptops next to each other, he sent me a life and I got it in the afternoon.…
  • I don't think it has to do with people who are on your friends' list. I was playing with a friend, laptops next to each other. One time I sent him a life request, it appeared in his inbox the next day! Then we were again online at the same time, side by side, he sent me a life and I got it in the afternoon :-( So I guess…
  • The same thing happened to me; I won one this morning and I think I'm now close finish the next one already but nothing showed up.
    in Race Comment by corals22 July 2023
  • Mine also disappeared, I passed one it this morning and continued to the next lvl but there was no race. Tried to close the whole game, it reopened with some issues: 1. I was somehow able to send lives to my friends, as it was before, without the actual social hub and 2. the graphics within the game isn't clear, looks kind…
  • I don't know if anybody else is having the same problem: I start the game, find numerous requests, send whatever I'm asked to send, then I proceed to playing. When I lose one life I immediately send out a request, then come back and check my social hub. There I find new requests which have just been sent out, meaning…
  • Yes, I am aware that the key to longer playing is having friends online at the same time as you. But if you consider it, there are many flaws in this decision. First of, not all the people in your friends' list are from the same part of the world as you are, meaning when I play on Sunday evening, in another part of the…
  • I wonder, does any of these comments actually reach those who are responsible for this new update which obviously made many players angry?
  • This new update is a real disappointment for many loyal players. Upon reading all the comments, it seems that many of us will be spending less, rather than more, of our free time playing. I really don't understand why is it not possible anymore to ask extra lives from your teammates as well? Also, this…
  • I have the same problem, and it has been going on for a month, maybe more. I see in the chat that people send me lives, yet I don't receive them, any of them. Also, I am supposed to be able to ask for new lives in 24 hrs, yet sometimes it takes a whole week before I am given the opportunity to ask for them again. And still…
  • Thank you @Yosca and @FluffyDinosaur for your answers. Just to be clear, there is no possibility for me now to get my deserved reward because I didn't log into the game for a week? Don't you think this is a bit harsh on the active players? It seems to me this is quite a user-unfriendly attitude.
  • Hello @Yosca , thank you for your reply. My game ID is 1162209460. It's about Kimmy's egg hunt event which ended on Apr 18th. I was placed 1st on the list, with over 2000 eggs collected, but I didn't get the prize because I went away from the computer and the game approx an hour before the event ended and, by the time I…
  • Hello??? I am still waiting for my answer, anybody?
  • Hello @Yosca , thank you for your reply. However, when I wrote to the Player Support this is what I got as an answer: Hi Koraljka, Get the answers to your burning questions in our Help Center, which is jam-packed with useful articles: Or you can head over to our Community, where your…
  • Hello, today I was informed within the game that I am supposed to transfer my account from FB to King if I want to keep my progress. I followed the link and was taken to my e-mail address and a computer-generated password. When i clicked Save it informed me that a user with that e-mail already exists (of course it exists,…
  • I just got back the race track but Mr Toffee's Fair is still missing. Any news?

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