Bonjour, le problème est toujours existant. Celà vient de se reproduire une nouvelle fois. Impossible d'accéder à la patisserie sauf quand le gâteau est terminé
Hello, Thank you for your message. The problem is that I can't open the cake and therefore participate to get rewards. He tells me that the pastry shop opens soon and no access.
ok thanks for your answer
thanks for your answer. How can we with the new social corner ask for a life like before?? A priori it is still possible for some players. Look at my screenshot
Appareil utilisé : PC Acer Aspire ES1-523 Windows 10 version famille User ID : 1115227894 Social hub est la seule fonctionnalité affecté par cette erreur de connexion Je n’ai pas de message d’erreur de connexion rouge Version de l’application soda est :
sometimes it's ok and other times it's a connection error??
me it's every day, all the time
I am very angry. Your new social corner is completely illogical. Today I had 98 requests for lives, in return, I have none. LAMENTABLE...
i'm very 🤬
When you ask for lifes, message : "no acces to internet" 🤣... Very very bad🤬👿