Level 6036 is impossible
This level cannot be done with standard moves and no boosters. So frustrating. Losing the will to continue.
Level 5597 is impossible
any help please? I can’t even get close to finishing this level. It’s so boring trying over and over again and not getting anywhere.
Level 4998
This level is absolutely impossible without resorting to extra moves. How do I get past this level. It’s so boring. Have been on it for days and days 😢
Impossible Level
Level 4984 is another impossible and boring level. I am really losing my love for CC. It’s seems that the levels are too hard so you can’t achieve them by learned skill, you simply need a lucky board so repeat the level hundreds of times till you get it. Not fun.
Level 4975
I have been stuck on level 4975 for over a week. It’s so boring and frustrating. I can’t see a way through without extra moves. Any help please before I give up on CC forever.
3640 impossible
Helllo can anyone help me to get past level 3640 please. I’m not close to finishing it at all so must be missing something. Thanks.