Level 3
First, if you don't answer, the screen will stay on forever. However I only waited a minute, you may eventually can skip after more than a minute or a day. Secondly, if you answer the survey, they will send you a lot of ads without your consent. Or maybe somewhere term says that answering question means agreed receiving…
I watched this game ad ten times in one night, and one of them had a trick. The one-minute overtime period begins following the 30-second play for just the same 1 or 2 extra moves. Normal conditions 90% The ad plays for 30 seconds and a cross appears in the upper right corner. Click on the cross and it will open the Google…
Some ads for additional moves force opening browser and redirect to its home page. But then close chrome and go back to Farm Heroes Saga. The app will restart, levels will automatically fail, Bonnie's boosters will reset to 0 (from level 5) and earned moves will be cancelled.
It is so mean that the level has been reduced from level 5 to level 0 for answering a calls. I take calls in the middle of a level, for example) Level #6488. The Calling window is active and put Farm Heroes Saga in the background. End the call and re-active Farm Heroes Saga. The app will restart, the level will…
This problem have been outstanding for a years
This app now always keeps the screen. Be aware that if you forget to turn it off, it may burn your screen. Don't play game before sleep and on bus
In this game, some ads posted by unityads (for example) state builder were able to bypass my phone's volume control mute and clicked the ad speaker icon off. But it's still able to force it to maximum volume. The sound suddenly became loud, like a TV commercial.
There is no countdown to this ad, so you won't be rewarded even if you watch it until the screen times out then close it.
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