F-5 Team
I lost my F-5 team today without any reason and now become a member of new team which I dont want.
Lost all the gold bars
Hi @Lim I received a new team event and lost all my earned gold bars. I think that was 269. My boosters and levels are unchanged but gold bars showing zero. My game ID is 11550153112.
Highest points with player name
Show the highest points achieved with the player name for all the levels so that each and every player can try to beat them and register their name. Rewards can be given for successful attempts.
Daily quest and stickers
From last two days my daily quest has been disappeared resulting not collecting any beans. Further as I am new bee here dont know how to trade stickers. I got it several times but after complition it doesn't show anywhere.
May I get a badge on reaching 1000 level like Farm Heroes Saga?