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Lost all the gold bars

caambuj Posts: 1,733

Hi @Lim

I received a new team event and lost all my earned gold bars. I think that was 269. My boosters and levels are unchanged but gold bars showing zero.

My game ID is 11550153112.

Best Answer

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733
    Answer โœ“

    Thank you so much @Lim for taking time to solve my lots of querry๐Ÿ˜Š.

    You are going to be the next superstar for sure๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ‘.



  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

    I am a bit confused about my game ID also. In all the other king game, my game ID is same but here is different. Just checked my ID after this peoblem but the support team have my game ID before bcz they added 30 gold bars in my game without asking my ID in reverse score contest.

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

    Now my confusion has increased๐Ÿค”.

    When I connect it with my FB, everything is fine. Even my game ID is the same with other king games.

    But the event is disappeared.

    Today I connect it with King 1st time with the help of other king game mail id n password and got the above problem.

    I think I have to create new login ID and password to connect through king instead of use of other king game login ID n password.

    Please clear me in this regard.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    edited April 2020

    Hello! @caambuj ๐Ÿ‘‹

    When you disconnected with Facebook while you can see this new /challenge on this game, your current level and boosters are still saved but your gold bars are gone. Why? ๐Ÿ˜ข

    Because your profile (without connected with Facebook or King.Com) CANNOT be transferred your gold bars to your same profile (with connected with Facebook/King.Com) and another players (if another player have connected with Facebook/King.Com) with using your same device. And yes! Your profiles (are without and with connected with Facebook/King.Com) are really different to show Game ID.

    And after you connected back with Facebook on this game, of course! Your gold bars are still saved on your Facebook Account and same your Game ID on this game and other King's Games but unfortunately new event/challenge has disappeared. Why? ๐Ÿ˜ข

    You can click here is "My special event just disappeared?" then you see their insightful answers by Community Team that I hope you can understand to read it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    By the way, these new events/challenges (such as Jeweller's Club, Jeweller's Trial and Trader's Chest) are still testing and selecting randomly some players only on this game. So you can also click here is "Where are my extra challenges?" then you can see their insightful answers by Community Team that I hope you can understand to read it too. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    ** So please DON'T uninstall and reinstall, disconnected and reconnected and clear cache on this game, you can still receive your new events/challenges are here! If you have done these steps, unfortunately new events/challenges are gone or reset. **

    I hope you can understand to read my insightful answers and stay tuned for another new event soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have a SASSY day! โค๏ธ

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

    Ohh @Lim

    Thank you so much๐Ÿ˜Š.

    I am weak in technology and dont know all this thing. I cant say that I understand fully what you said above. But one thing I learned here to play through fb/king.

    Btw whether game ID connected with fb n king can be different or would be same?

    Is there any difference in getting the event if I connected with fb n connected with king?

    What would be happened if I delete my fb account?

    Actually I am playing 6-7 king games. Now forgot wheter it is connected with fb or through king or with both.

    Just download the game n start the play and tab ' save your progress '. So I couldn't figure out wheter it is saved in fb or king or not saved.

    Now you know how intelligent I am๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ญ

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

    Hey, can you post here the screenshot of game connected with fb and the same connected with king?

    Oh lots of question I am asking hereโ˜น

    You can reply it through pm also.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Hello again @caambuj ๐Ÿ‘‹

    Thank you for your feedback! I think Facebook and King.Com are different Game ID. These are also the events are same disappeared when you connected it/them but I am not sure the events will be back on Facebook/King.Com. If you have deleted your Facebook Account, maybe your current level and boosters are still saved (if you still don't uninstall this game yet.) but your gold bars are lost. And if you uninstall and reinstall this game while have deleted Facebook Account, unfortunately you start playing to level 1 on this game. So before delete Facebook Account, make sure to sync my progress between Facebook and King.Com first.

    You can click here (with using PC only) to see these instructions that I hope this helps can without losing your progress. (If you have followed these steps, maybe Facebook and King.Com are same game ID (but I haven't tried it and not sure.))

    If you have downloaded this game with new/change device, you can also connect with Facebook/King.Com that you can save your progress too then your gold bars are still saved but unfortunately your boosters cannot be transferred/lost and some events are dissappeared/reseted again.

    I hope you can understand to read them. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Have a SASSY day! โค๏ธ

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

    Hi @Lim ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Today I learned a lot of things. Thank you once again.

    I think my fb n king a/c is already synced. I am using single mob to play all the king games. Even I can remember to play in other mob n pc once and everything was fined.

    Just last question, whether king account created through CCS is applicable to all the king games or should I create king account for each n every game?

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    edited April 2020

    Hello again! @caambuj ๐Ÿ‘‹

    If you want to create King.Com, you just sign up or sync your progress with Facebook and King.Com (better choice to sign up) once only. But I am not sure when you sign up with King.Com on any King's Games only, I feel like afraid for lose your progress or so on any King's Games. (As I haven't used King.Com Account and I think some players have lost their progress when they have tried it) that I hope this answer! ๐Ÿค”

  • nikaevamia
    nikaevamia Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Hi guys,

    I have big problem.i finished 1325 level and waith for new one but i play rivals trial too and collected allmost 58 bars but becosse i couldnt play anymore i lost everithing.that is not ok

  • nikaevamia
    nikaevamia Posts: 12

    Level 2

    And please sorry for my language it's not so good.i am from slovenia

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