Level 2
I have had to uninstall/reinstall due to game issues and both times my daily login reset to the beginning.
I have deleted all games from this company. Tired of being cheated by in game play. Not wasting one more penny. Thanks for the not so good times. 😂😂😂😂😒
My game was not working correctly and for about the third time I had to reinstall the game. The game reset after I logged in with my Facebook, however it reset my continuous log in to 4 days. At one point I was around 140 days straight and it was taken away. PLEASE find a fix for this or just fix it!!! If you can bring…
I did watch a video on YouTube. They were doing exactly what I was doing on the level, however their fish were going where they should go, while mine just hit random pieces, no fun. Going to check out for awhile.
My race and Mr. Toffees fair are gone.
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