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My question: Do you haven't had a chocolate box event since the last few weeks ago? I haven't had it since the last few weeks ago. I know that it's a test feature, but I'm not feeling good at it. How do you think about this? I'm also don't have a sweet streak event: the ice fire event every day 😔 I'm only have Salmon…
Why no internet You need an internet connection to access this content ?? Although my mobile is connected to the internet !! Even though I have an account in the game Help me please
when using boosters my game gets stuck all the time !!!!!!! Very frustrating
Game bugged out couple of times while opening the secret question mark card which was fish in the end. In the same time cookie monster came and fish card didn't really activate basically freezing progress in that level. Used undo couple of times and lost few thousand coins because of that since I still couldn't progress.…
O nível 365 está bug já pedi 2 vezes por que o nível está travado gastei recurso mas infelizmente o jogo não vai impossível arriscar uma 3 vez
لعبة جميلة
Hallo ich habe mich eingeloggt ganz normal bin auch lvl 803 und auf einmal ist mein Album das was ich komplett fertig hatte nicht mehr komplett! Und die Postkarten sind auf einmal auf lvl 1 wieder! Support wurde kontaktiert wurde bis jetzt noch immer nichts unternommen. Und das seit 2 Wochen schon! Ich habe die App neu…
After After using UFO the game crashed, I lost coins and boosters 😞
So obviously not every game is gonna be a win... But I just started playing this game,and 7 times now I've had to just quit because of having limited coins,and not being able to get just one power up to help with the level..and the free coins is barely enough to get through more then one level of your lucky…stop making the…
I find it extermely irritating that we have to wait four hours to have our free coins to play three more runthroughs of levels. Can you please reduce it?
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